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7th SRF Materials Workshop

CEBAF Center F113 (Jefferson Lab)

CEBAF Center F113

Jefferson Lab

    • 8:00 AM
      Registration and Continental Breakfast CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      Nametags, paperwork, and visitor WPA2 key

    • Welcome and logistics CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      • 1
        Welcome - Andrew Hutton, Associate Director for Accelerator Operations, Research, and Development
      • 2
        Meeting logistics - Charlie Reece, local organizing chair
        Speaker: Reece
    • Session 1 - What do end-use applications need from materials R&D? CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      • 3
        Overview of cavity requirements for high intensity and high energy CEBAF Center F113

        CEBAF Center F113

        Jefferson Lab

        Speaker: C. Ginsburg (Fermilab)
      • 4
        FRIB SRF Cavities CEBAF Center F113

        CEBAF Center F113

        Jefferson Lab

        Speaker: C. Compton (MSU/FRIB)
      • 5
        Needs for SRF cavities for the Next Generation Light Source CEBAF Center F113

        CEBAF Center F113

        Jefferson Lab

        Via WebEx
        Speaker: John Corlett (LBL)
      • 6
        Accelerator R&D News CEBAF Center F113

        CEBAF Center F113

        Jefferson Lab

        Speaker: Michael Zisman (DOE detailee)
      • 7
        Discussion - Overview topics CEBAF Center F113

        CEBAF Center F113

        Jefferson Lab

    • 10:00 AM
      Break CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

    • Session 2 - Theory and basic measurements CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      • 8
        Tuning the superheating and RF break-down fields of type-II superconductors by impurities
        Speaker: Fareh Lin (ODU)
      • 9
        Calculations of hotspots caused by trapped vortices
        Speaker: A. Gurevich (ODU)
      • 10
        DFT analyses of structures that limit SRF cavity performance: I. interactions between Nb, H, and native defects
        Speaker: D. Ford (Fermilab / NWU)
      • 11
        DFT analyses of structures that limit SRF cavity performance: II. interactions with other interstitials, chiefly oxygen
        Speaker: D. Ford (Fermilab / NWU)
      • 12
        The Closing Quasiparticle Spectral Gap and its Implications for Nb3Sn
        Speaker: Sam Posen (Cornell)
      • 13
        Quench and trapped flux studies at Cornell
        Speaker: Daniel Gonnella (Cornell)
      • 14
        Variation of Surface Superconductivity with cold-work deformations on Superconducting RF quality Niobium
        Speaker: Zuhawn Sung (NHMFL / FSU)
      • 15
        Laser heating and laser scanning microscopy of SRF cavities
        Speaker: Gigi Ciovati (JLab)
      • 16
        Discussion - Theory and basic measurements
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch Break CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      Food service is available at the nearby Quark Cafe

    • Session 3 - Raw materials CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      • 17
        Raw materials specifications and material batch history
        Speaker: Lance Cooley (FNAL)
      • 18
        Niobium RRR and Ta specifications for SRF cavities: a critical review
        Speaker: Gigi Ciovati (JLab)
      • 19
        Examination of surface damage layer on SRF cavities using EBSD
        Speaker: Di Kang (MSU)
      • 20
        Using resistivity measurements to track uptake of hydrogen as a function of material working
        Speaker: Alexander Dzyuba (FNAL)
      • 21
        Recovery of Phonon Peak in Annealed Niobium as a Function of Initial Strain and Hydrogen Concentration
        Speaker: Saravan Chandrasekaran (MSU)
      • 2:45 PM
      • 22
        Requirements for crystal growth of single crystal SRF niobium
        Speaker: John Wallace (Casting Analysis Corp)
      • 23
        In-situ tensile tests on single crystal specimens with different orientations
        Speaker: Di Kang (MSU)
      • 24
        Refining Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Model for Deformation of Single Crystal Niobium
        Speakers: Aboozar Mapar, Thomas Bieler (MSU)
      • 25
        Ingot niobium - the Choice Materials for Future SRF Cavity Applications?
        Speaker: Peter Kneisel (JLab)
      • 26
        Discussion - Raw materials
    • Session 4a - Processing advances CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      Convener: Charlie Reece (JLab)
      • 27
        High Q0 studies at FNAL
        Speaker: Anna Grassellino (FNAL)
      • 28
        High Q cavities at Cornell
        Speaker: Nicholas Valles (Cornell)
      • 29
        Depth profiling by HF rinsing and an increase in Q0
        Speaker: Alexander Romanenko (FNAL)
      • 30
        Mechanisms of niobium electropolishing for SRF cavities
        Speakers: Ashwini Chandra (Ohio State), Michael Sumption
      • 31
        High temperature heat treatment to raise the quality factor of large grain niobium cavities
        Speaker: Pashupati Dhakal (JLab)
    • 5:45 PM
      Networking reception CEBAF Center Attrium

      CEBAF Center Attrium

      Jefferson Lab

    • 6:15 PM
      Browse and Eat Reception TEDF - New SRF lab wing

      TEDF - New SRF lab wing

      Jefferson Lab

      Heavy hors d'oeuvres with browsing tour of the new JLab SRF facilities - 10 min walk from here.

    • 8:00 AM
      Continental breakfast CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

    • Session 4b - Processing advances (cont.) CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      Convener: Charles Reece (JLab)
      • 32
        Evaluations of mechanical polishing for "baseline" and "acid free" processing
        Speaker: Charlie Cooper (FNAL)
      • 33
        Direct observation of hydrides in cavity-grade niobium
        Speaker: Alexander Romanenko (FNAL)
      • 34
        Genesis of topography by buffered chemical polishing of niobium
        Speaker: Liang Zhao (W&M)
      • 35
        Recent progress with VEP at Cornell
        Speaker: Fumio Furuta (Cornell)
      • 36
        Development of Plasma Processing Technologies for SRF Cavities
        Speaker: Janardan Upadhyay (ODU)
      • 37
        Discussion - Processing progress
    • 10:30 AM
      Break & Workshop group photo CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

    • Session 5a - Nb Characterization CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      Conveners: Alexander Romanenko (FNAL), Peter Lee (FSU)
      • 38
        SIMS Characterization of Impurity Elements in Nb: The Effect of Heat Treatments
        Speaker: Prateek Maheshwari (NCSU)
      • 39
        Near-Field Nonlinear Microwave Microscopy of Bulk Nb Surfaces
        Speaker: Steven Anlage (U Maryland)
      • 40
        Preliminary TEM results on high field hot/cold spot cutouts
        Speaker: Yulia Trenikhina (IIT/FNAL)
      • 41
        Signatures of RF hot spots by superconducting tunnel-junction and Raman spectroscopies
        Speaker: John Zasadzinski (IIT)
      • 42
        Low-field Quench, HAZ Pits and Strain in a Prototype Cavity for the European XFEL
        Speaker: Roy Crooks (Black Labs Inc.)
      • 43
        CYCLOPS - CavitY CaLibrated Optical Profilometry System
        Internal interferometric profilometry
        Speaker: John Bearden (MicroDynamics, Inc)
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch break CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      Food service is available at the nearby Quark Cafe

    • Session 5b - Nb Characterization (cont.) CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      Conveners: Alexander Romanenko (FNAL), Peter Lee (FSU)
      • 44
        LEAP investigations of hydrogen precipitates in SRF niobium
        Speaker: David Seidman (Northwestern)
      • 45
        In-situ study of Nb oxide and hydride for SRF cavity applications using electron energy loss spectroscopy
        Speaker: Runzhe Tao (UIC)
      • 46
        Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Single-Crystal Niobium Oxidation
        Speaker: Natalie Kautz (U Chicago)
      • 47
        Atomic-scale characterization of niobium for SRF cavities using ultraviolet laser-assisted local- electrode atom-probe tomography and aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy
        Speaker: YoonJun Kim (Northwestern)
      • 48
        Discussion - Nb characterization
    • Session 6 - Seamless forming CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      Convener: Chris Compton (MSU)
      • 49
        Spin-forming of seamless cavities
        Speaker: Enzo Palmieri (INFN/Legnaro, U Padua)
      • 50
        Niobium tube specification and procurement for seamless forming
        Speaker: Lance Cooley (FNAL)
      • 51
        Bulge testing of copper and niobium
        Speaker: Ted Collings (Ohio State)
      • 52
        Fabrication of Seamless Nb Tube for SRF Cavities
        Speaker: K. T. Hartwig (TAMU)
      • 53
        Discussion - Seamless forming
    • 4:15 PM
      Break CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

    • Wrap-up discussions and pathways forward CEBAF Center F113

      CEBAF Center F113

      Jefferson Lab

      Convener: Lance Cooley (FNAL)