7th International Workshop on Thin Films and New Ideas for Pushing the Limits of RF Superconductivity

Jefferson Lab

Jefferson Lab


The seventh workshop in this series will continue the goal of providing a forum for new initiatives in innovative thin films and related technology to advance future generations of superconducting RF accelerators.

The primary aim of the workshop is to support this initiative by providing an opportunity to bring together individuals and institutions working in this effort and infusing expertise of specialists from related disciplines (superconductivity, plasma physics, material science, nanotechnology, RF engineering and industry. Reports on work from each participating group and extensive discussions on existing problems, new ideas and programs for the future will constitute the primary focus of the program.

Workshop Chair: Larry Phillips (Jefferson Lab, USA)

Workshop home page: https://www.jlab.org/conferences/tfsrf2016/index.html

Link to join the program remotely:

URL:           https://bluejeans.com/310262938/8366

Meeting Id:    310262938
Passcode:      8366


