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2022 EIC User Group Early Career Workshop

Physics C120 (Peter Paul Seminar Room) (CFNS Stony Brook University)

Physics C120 (Peter Paul Seminar Room)

CFNS Stony Brook University


The 2022 EIC Early Career Workshop will take place from July 24-25, 2022 at Stony Brook University in NY, USA and will be hosted by the Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science (CFNS).

This event is dedicated to students and postdocs but open to everyone. The meeting will be run in a hybrid mode with the in-person meeting at the CFNS and remotely on Zoom. 

Zoom Link:

Important Registration Information:

Four registration options:

  • Option 1 Early Career + Main EIC UG Event Registration (July 24-30).
  • Option 2: Early Career Registration Only (July 24-25).
  • Option 3: remote participation.

Important notice: no payment is needed to complete the registration.

Please read the Registration Guide before register

Important notice: Lodging support for attendees ends July 14, 4pm.  (Student and Postdoc registrations after this time will not receive lodging support from the orgnizers)

  • Adam Lastowka
  • Alexander Jentsch
  • Alexandre Camsonne
  • Alicia Postuma
  • Andrea Simonelli
  • Andrew Tamis
  • Bhawin Dhital
  • Brynna Moran
  • Charles-Joseph NAIM
  • Charlotte Van Hulse
  • Chiara Bissolotti
  • Christine Ploen
  • Chuan Sun
  • Chunjian Zhang
  • Churamani Paudel
  • Connor Pecar
  • Deepali Sharma
  • Devon Loomis
  • Ding Chen
  • Dominique Marchand
  • Douglas Higinbotham
  • Ethan Cline
  • Evgeny Shulga
  • Fanyi Zhao
  • Francesco Giovanni Celiberto
  • Frank Vera
  • Gary Penman
  • Genki Nukazuka
  • Grace Garmire
  • Henry Klest
  • Igor Korover
  • Ishara Fernando
  • Jack Dodson
  • Jackson Pybus
  • James Shirk
  • Jennifer Rittenhouse West
  • JiaJun Huang
  • Jorge Segovia
  • Joseph Delmar
  • Joseph Maerovitz
  • João de Mello
  • Juan Guerrero
  • Kate Lynch
  • Kayleigh Gates
  • Kağan Şimşek
  • Kitzia Hernandez
  • Kyle Kulmatycski
  • Lauren Kasper
  • Lorenzo Rossi
  • Love Preet
  • Luca Maxia
  • Luis Garabito Ruiz
  • Luke Legnosky
  • Manoj Jadhav
  • Marco Zaccheddu
  • Mate Rehman
  • Matteo Cerutti
  • Michael Blaskiewicz
  • Mriganka Mouli Mondal
  • Muhammad Junaid
  • Nathan Shankman
  • Navagyan Ghimire
  • Nilanga Wickramaarachchi
  • Noémie Pilleux
  • Prashanth Shanmuganathan
  • Rachel Montgomery
  • Racquel Lovelace
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Richard Trotta
  • Ruthie Gu
  • Ryan Milton
  • Sakib Rahman
  • Salina Ali
  • Sasha Bylinkin
  • Sean Preins
  • Shefali Shefali
  • Somadutta Bhatta
  • Sourav Tarafdar
  • Stjepan Oresic
  • Taya Chetry
  • Thomas Marshall
  • Tolga Erbora
  • Tooba Ali
  • Tristan Protzman
  • Tyler Kutz
  • Vaibhavi Gawas
  • Vaishnavi Desai
  • Vassu Doomra
  • Weibin Zhang
  • Wenliang Li
  • Xiaoxuan Chu
  • Xiaqing Li
  • Yelyzaveta Yedelkina
  • Yossathorn Tawabutr
  • Zachary Sweger
  • Zhan Zhang
  • Zhiwan Xu
  • Zhongbo Kang
  • Zuhal Seyma Demiroglu
    • 1
      Breakfast (Provided)
    • 2
      Speaker: Chiara Bissolotti (University of Pavia and INFN)
    • Invited talk
      Convener: Richard Trotta (The Catholic University of America)
    • Theory
      Convener: Chiara Bissolotti (University of Pavia and INFN)
      • 4
        An overview of gluon TMD PDFs and polarization
        Speaker: Francesco Giovanni Celiberto (ECT*/FBK Trento & INFN-TIFPA)
      • 5
        A new extraction of unpolarized TMDs through global fits *

        In this talk we present the most recent extraction of unpolarized transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions (PDFs) and TMD fragmentation functions (FFs) from global data sets of Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS), Drell-Yan and Z boson production. The fit is performed at the N3LL logarithmic accuracy in the resummation of qT-logarithms and features flexible non-perturbative functions, which allow to reach a very good agreement between theory and the experimental data. In particular, we address the tension between the low-energy SIDIS data and the theory predictions.

        Speaker: Matteo Cerutti (University of Pavia)
      • 10:40 AM
        Coffee break
      • 6
        Study of TMDs in DIS single-jet production *

        In this talk we present the necessary formalism to study the Deep Inelastic Scattering with the production of an hadronic jet. More precisely we focus the factorization of the cross section as convolution of TMD PDF and the Jet TMD-FF, which is the function that we have calculated at NLO. Moreover we present some phenomenological predictions at N2LL for the EIC kinematic regions.

        Speaker: Lorenzo Rossi (University of Pavia & INFN)
      • 7
        The role of TMD Fragmentation Functions in SIDIS phenomenology

        The factorization of Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD)
        observables plays a central role in modern studies on strong interactions, as it represents one of the most elegant and powerful approaches for the investigation of the 3D structure of hadrons. In particular, SIDIS cross sections cannot leave aside from a contribution associated with the nucleon structure and a contribution associated with the mechanism of hadronization, identified with a TMD Parton Distribution Function and a TMD Fragmentation Function, respectively. A reliable extraction of the
        former requires a detailed knowledge of the latter. In this regard, it is crucial to supplement SIDIS studies with phenomenological analyses of processes in which a single TMD FF is accessed, as in single inclusive $e^+e^-$ annihilation (SIA). In this talk, I will review the factorization properties of this observable, in the case where the transverse momentum of the detected hadron is measured with respect to the thrust axis. I will show how to properly extend the standard TMD factorization to such observable, allowing for global phenomenological studies of TMD physics in which SIDIS and SIA data can be combined together.

        Speaker: Andrea Simonelli (INFN, Turin)
      • 8
        NLO corrections to quarkonium photoproduction at the EIC *

        In the talk we discuss NLO QCD corrections to total inclusive J/ψ and Υ photoproduction cross sections in lepton-proton collisions at the EIC, where the resulting cross sections
        obtained in the MS factorisation scheme are sometimes found to be negative. It is shown that the scale-fixing criteria which was derived in a previous study of ηc production successfully
        solves this problem from the EicC all the way up to the FCC-eh energies. We also discuss where both J/ψ and Υ photoproduction could be used to improve our knowledge of gluon content of the proton at scales as low as a couple of GeV.

        Speaker: Yelyzaveta Yedelkina
    • Lunch and Photo: Sandwich & Wrap (Provided)
    • Invited talk
      Convener: Bhawin Dhital (Old Dominion University /Jefferson Lab)
      • 9
        EIC Accelerator Overview
        Speaker: Michael Blaskiewicz (Brookhaven National Lab)
    • General: Hadron Structure
      Convener: Jackson Pybus (MIT)
      • 10
        DVCS at EIC
        Speaker: Dr Igor Korover (MIT)
      • 11
        Studying e-D scattering at EIC

        A new approach for studying the structure of hadrons and nuclei with arbitrary spin is presented, the spin-1 case is shown in detail. As a proof of principle, we apply this method to the description of elastic electron-deuteron scattering. The result of calculations within Instant and Light-Front forms of dynamics is presented for the vector and axial electromagnetic form factors together with potential extensions of the formalism to hard exclusive processes on the deuteron.

        Speaker: Frank Vera (Florida International University)
      • 12
        Meson Structure Functions at EIC *
        Speaker: Richard Trotta (The Catholic University of America)
    • 13
      Coffee break
    • Generic Detector
      Convener: Salina Ali (University of Virginia)
      • 14
        Calorimeter 1 *
        Speaker: Noémie Pilleux
      • 15
        Simulation and instrumentation for the Roman Pot in the future Electron-Ion Collider *

        In order to study the internal structure of nucleons and nuclei and address some important outstanding questions in nuclear physics, a new Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is planned to be built at Brookhaven National Lab (NY, USA). The EIC will collide a high energy proton/ion beam with a high energy electron beam. High performance detectors will be used to detect the particles created in the collisions. Detailed simulations and instrumentation developments of Roman Pot are still required and that will soon start to be constructed.

        Speaker: Pu-Kai Wang
      • 16
        Far Forward Region Calorimetery
        Speaker: Aleksandr Bylinkin (KU)
      • 17
        Luminosity Measurements for the Electron Ion Collider *

        The future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) aims at precise measurements of electron-hadron cross sections and for this an accurate measurement of its luminosity is required. The luminosity detector at the EIC is inspired by the ZEUS experiment at HERA, measuring the bremsstrahlung photons from electron-hadron collisions. Improvements to the older (baseline) ZEUS detector design are investigated. Three detector designs have been proposed and are simulated in Geant4. Comparisons of the sampling fraction of the calorimeters for each design will be shown.

        Speaker: Aranya Giri
    • Flash talk session: Session 1
      Conveners: Douglas Higinbotham (Jefferson Lab), Jennifer Rittenhouse West (Berkeley Lab and the EIC Center at Jefferson Lab)
    • 23
      Pizza Dinner
    • Invited talk: Career Advice with Doug
      Convener: Douglas Higinbotham (Jefferson Lab)
      • 24
        Career Paths

        Discussion on various career paths available to you. Also a discussion about CV vs. Resume and what to do before an interview.

        Speaker: Dr Douglas Higinbotham (Jefferson Lab)
    • 25
      Breakfast (Provided)
    • Invited talk
      Convener: Henry Klest
    • Theory
      Convener: Francesco Giovanni Celiberto (ECT*/FBK Trento & INFN-TIFPA)
      • 27
        Compton scattering and the prospects of accesing it in quantum computers
        Speaker: Juan Guerrero (Jefferson Lab)
      • 28
        The transverse $\Lambda$ polarization in $e+e-$ collision and SIDIS
        Speaker: Marco Zaccheddu (University and INFN Cagliari)
      • 29
        Diquarks & Short-range correlated nucleon-nucleon pairs (SRC)
        Speaker: Jennifer Rittenhouse West (Berkeley Lab and the EIC Center at Jefferson Lab)
      • 30
        Simulations of Semi-inclusive DIS ML Kinematics reconstruction *
        Speaker: Connor Pecar
      • 31
        Collinear phenomenology of J/psi polarization at EIC *
        Speaker: Maxia Luca
      • 32
        SMEFT projections of neutral-current PVDIS asymmetries at the EIC *

        The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics lies at the foundation of our current understanding of all experimental phenomena. Despite the huge success of this theory, it contains poorly understood features. In an attempt to account for these issues, various models beyond the SM (BSM) have been considered. The SM effective field theory (SMEFT) is a useful tool to parametrize BSM effects since there has been no conclusive evidence for new particles beyond the anticipated spectrum. In the SMEFT framework, one builds higher-dimensional operators using the existing SM fields and introduces Wilson coefficients as effective couplings. In this study, we restrict our attention to dimension-6 semi-leptonic four-fermion operators and investigate how neutral-current parity-violating deep-inelastic-scattering asymmetries at the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) can probe these possible BSM effects. Our analysis shows that the EIC can offer probes competitive with the ones coming from LHC Drell-Yan data, simultaneously resolving degeneracies observed in neutral-current Drell-Yan measurements. Constraints on the semi-leptonic four-fermion Wilson coefficients become significantly stronger with a 10-fold luminosity upgrade. The EIC, designed as a QCD machine, promises strong potential as a probe of BSM physics, complementary to the LHC.

        Speaker: Kağan Şimşek (Northwestern University)
      • 33
        Quarkonium at EIC *
        Speaker: Kate Lynch
    • Lunch and Photo
    • Invited talk
      Convener: Christine Ploen (Old Dominion University)
    • General: Jet Physics
      Convener: Charlotte Van Hulse (IJCLab)
      • 35
        Jet physics Hera to EIC *
        Speaker: Henry Klest (Stony Brook)
      • 36
        Jet production at EIC *

        The production of jets has been an active research topic in QCD in recent years. In this talk, we provide the general theoretical framework on several interesting observables related to jet production in ep collisions — the azimuthal anisotropy, jet shape and jet functions. With numerical results for EIC kinematics presented, we show that these are promising observables for studying lepton-jet correlations in the future EIC experiments.

        Speaker: Fanyi Zhao (UCLA)
    • 37
      Coffee break Online photo
    • Generic Detector
      Convener: Christine Ploen (Old Dominion University)
    • General
      Convener: Richard Trotta (The Catholic University of America)
    • 46
      Speaker: Jennifer Rittenhouse West (Berkeley Lab and the EIC Center at Jefferson Lab)
    • 47
      Workshop Dinner at Saghar Restaurant In Port Jefferson