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NPS Collaboration Meeting

ARC 231/233 (Jefferson Lab)

ARC 231/233

Jefferson Lab

Meeting URL: Meeting ID: 161 174 3835

Meeting URL:     Zoom link
Meeting ID:     161 174 3835

  • Alexandre Camsonne
  • Allison Zec
  • Artur Hoghmrtsyan
  • Avnish SIngh
  • Benjamin Raydo
  • Bogdan Wojtsekhowski
  • Carlos Munoz Camacho
  • Casey Morean
  • Charles Hyde
  • Christine Ploen
  • Daphne Blumin
  • Dave Gaskell
  • David Meekins
  • Ed Kinney
  • Hamlet MKRTCHYAN
  • Hao Huang
  • Joshua Crafts
  • Julie Roche
  • Mark Jones
  • Mark Mathison
  • Michael Nycz
  • Mitchell Kerver
  • Paul Anderson
  • Rolf Ent
  • Silviu Covrig Dusa
  • Taehee Song
  • Tanja Horn
  • Vardan Tadevosyan
  • Vladimir Berdnikov
  • Wassim Hamdi
  • Xiaochao Zheng
  • Yaopeng Zhang
  • Wednesday, July 17
    • 8:00 AM 12:30 PM
      Lessons learned, outlook, and new experiments
      • 8:00 AM
        Welcome and Plan for the Day 10m
        Speaker: Tanja Horn (Catholic University of America)
      • 8:10 AM
        Lessons learned from 2023/24 run and Outlook I 1h 30m
      • 9:40 AM
        Coffee Break 20m
      • 10:00 AM
        Lessons learned from 2023/24 run and Outlook II 50m
      • 10:50 AM
        Coffee Break 20m
      • 11:10 AM
        Next Experiments 1h 20m
        • RG1b (E12-06-114) Update 10m

          Measurements of the electron-helicity dependent cross-sections of deeply virtual Compton scattering
          NPS at small angles and HMS - SHMS used as carriage for NPS

          Speaker: Carlos Munoz Camacho (IJCLab, Orsay (CNRS/IN2P3))
        • RG2 (E12-14-003, E12-14-005) Update 10m

          Wide-angle Compton Scattering at 8 and 10 GeV Photon Energies
          Wide Angle Exclusive Photoproduction of pi-zero Mesons
          NPS at large angles and HMS - SHMS used as carriage for NPS

          Speakers: Bogdan Wojtsekhowski (Jefferson Lab), Dipangkar Dutta (Mississippi State University)
        • RG3 (E12-17-008) Update 10m

          Polarization Observables in Wide-Angle Compton Scattering at large s, t, and u
          NPS+CPS - SHMS used as carriage for NPS

          Speaker: Bogdan Wojtsekhowski (Jefferson Lab)
        • RG4 (E12-23-004) 10m

          A Search for a Nonzero Strange Form Factor of the Proton at 2.5 (GeV/c)^2
          NPS reconfigured as part of an ECAL+HCAL system downstream from target

          Speaker: Kent Paschke (UVA)
        • RG5 (C12-20-012) 10m

          Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering using a positron beam in Hall C

          Speaker: Carlos Munoz Camacho (IJCLab, Orsay (CNRS/IN2P3))
        • Hall C view on next NPS experiments 10m
          Speaker: Mark Jones (Jefferson Lab)
        • Discussion next NPS experiments 20m
    • 12:30 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch Break 1h 30m
    • 2:00 PM 7:00 PM
      New experiments
      • 2:00 PM
        New Physics 1h
        • Timelike Compton Scattering 20m
          Speakers: Debaditya Biswas (Virginia Tech), Hamlet Mkrtchyan (A.Alikhanyan National Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute)), Vardan Tadevosyan (A.I.Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory)
        • Tensor-Polarized DVCS Prospects & Capabilities 20m
          Speaker: Allison Zec (University of New Hampshire)
        • DDVCS 2024 LOI to PAC, status and progresses on formalism and setup 20m
          Speaker: Marie BOER (Virginia Tech)
      • 3:00 PM
        Break 20m
      • 3:20 PM
        Analysis Goals 2h 10m
        • Luminosity analysis 30m
          Speaker: Richard Trotta (The Catholic University of America)
        • Simulation SIMC Overview 30m
          Speaker: Dave Gaskell (Jefferson Lab)
        • State-of-the-art analysis of DIS cross section in Hall C 30m
          Speaker: William Henry (Jefferson Lab)
        • NPS DIS status update 20m
          Speaker: julie Roche (Ohio University)
        • Discussion NPS NIM Paper 20m
    • 9:00 AM 12:30 PM
      NPS RG1a Analysis Plans I
      • 9:00 AM
        Normalization 1h 40m
        • Deadtime/efficiency 30m
          Speaker: Yaopeng Zhang (Tsinghua University)
        • BPM/BCM 30m
          Speaker: Christine Ploen (Old Dominion University)
        • Run list 20m
          Speaker: Joshua Crafts
        • Helicity Analysis 20m
      • 10:40 AM
        Break 20m
      • 11:00 AM
        HMS Calibrations 1h 30m
        • Drift Chambers 20m
          Speakers: Avnish SIngh, Yaopeng Zhang (Tsinghua University)
        • Electron PID (Cherenkov and Calorimeter) 20m
          Speaker: Mitchell Kerver (Old Dominion University)
        • Optics 20m
          Speaker: Christine Ploen (Old Dominion University)
        • Hodoscopes 20m
          Speaker: Avnish SIngh
        • Discussion 10m
    • 1:30 PM 6:00 PM
      NPS RG1a Analysis Plans II
      • 1:30 PM
        NPS Calorimeter Calibrations 1h 40m
        • Energy calibration (elastic and pions) 30m
          Speaker: Mr Hao Huang (Université Paris-Saclay)
        • Waveform analysis 30m
          Speaker: Wassim Hamdi (Faculty of Sciences of Monastir)
        • Waveform analysis alternative method 20m
        • Tracking dead bases 20m
      • 3:10 PM
        Break 20m
      • 3:30 PM
        Towards Cross Sections 2h 30m
        • Peter’s analysis 40m
          Speaker: Peter Bosted (William and Mary)
        • Extracting cross-section from data a la DVCS@Hall A 40m
          Speakers: Carlos Munoz Camacho (IJCLab, Orsay (CNRS/IN2P3)), Charles Hyde (Old Dominion University)
        • SIDIS plans 40m
          Speaker: Casey Morean (Catholic University of America)
        • Overall planning for raw data replay 30m

          What goes into each replay?
          Time frame?