Silicon pixel-based particle vertex and tracking detectors towards the US Electron Ion Collider Workshop
BARBARA (LBNL, UC Berkeley) JACAK(UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), LATIFA (JLAB) ELOUADRHIRI(Jefferson Lab), LAURA (BIRMINGHAM) GONELLA, LEO (LBNL) GREINER, PATRIZIA (JLAB) ROSSI, VOLKER (JLAB) Burkert(Jefferson Lab)
As the US Electron Ion Collider (EIC) project enters its conceptual design stage, and future particle accelerators are being discussed worldwide, next generation silicon tracking detectors are being studied for these planned new facilities. This workshop will review tracking and vertexing requirements for the anticipated scientific program at the EIC, the state of the art in silicon tracking detector technologies, their performance in currently operating nuclear and particle physics collider experiments, and proposed applications at the EIC.