The 2024 EIC Early Career (EC) Workshop will take place from July 22, 2024 at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, US.
This event is dedicated to students and postdocs but is open to everyone. The meeting will be run in a hybrid mode in-person and remotely on Zoom.
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Brief History & Introduction to the 17 DOE National Labs
Near-threshold production of phi mesons has been suggested as an observable sensitive to the strangeness D-term, a quantity that dictates how strange quarks contribute to the mechanical forces inside the proton. I will discuss whether or not this process can be measured at the EIC.
The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will be a novel experimental facility to use a golden process called Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS). It is designed to explore the properties of gluons in nucleons and nuclei in order to understand the building blocks of visible matter in the universe. The EIC community outlined the physics program of the EIC in White Paper, and the demanding detector requirements and potential technologies to deploy at an EIC detector were published in a comprehensive Yellow Report. The general-purpose detector resulting from this effort, ePIC, is designed to perform a broad physics program. At the same time, the wider EIC community is strongly in favor of a second detector at the EIC. Having two general-purpose collider detectors to support the EIC science program, allows us to have cross-checks and control of systematic for potential scientific discoveries. The second detector should feature complementary technologies where possible. It can also focus on specific measurements that are less well addressed in ePIC. The second interaction region provides improved forward detector acceptance at low $p_{T}$ and a secondary beam focus that enables to enhance the exclusive, tagging, and diffractive physics program. Based on a forward acceptance coverage complementary to the first detector, ePIC, in this talk I will present a simulation study in tagging program using a proposed second interaction region layout with incoherent diffractive vector meson production: $e + Pb \rightarrow e' + J/\Psi + X$. Finally, I will evaluate a rejection factor to separate coherent from incoherent diffractive events with an inclusion of the secondary beam focus feature.
We provide a review of the scalar energy-momentum tensor form factors. We present new results for the form factors for the case of phi^4 theory to one-loop order in the perturbative regime and discuss what our results imply.
In the advent of the EIC, coupled with the 12 GeV upgrade at JLab, studying the structure of the proton is entering an era of precision, requiring phenomenologists and theorists to come together and benchmark our results. The EXCLusives via Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning (Exclaim) collaboration, an interdisciplinary effort by ML experts, nuclear theorists and experimentalists offers a benchmarking framework for studying various Deeply Virtual Exclusive Scattering processes by building physics informed deep-learning architectures, which utilize new experimental data and first-principle lattice QCD calculations in order to access the 3D structure of matter. In this talk I give an overview of the first results of the EXCLAIM collaboration on extracting Compton form factors and Generalized parton distributions.
In order to search for the physics beyond the Standard Model at the precision frontier, it is sometimes essential to account for Next-to-Next- Leading Order (NNLO) theoretical corrections. Using the covariant approach, we calculated the full electroweak leptonic tensor up to quadratic (one loop squared) NNLO (α^3) order, which can be used for the processes like e−p and μ− p scattering relevant to MOLLER (background studies) and MUSE experiments, respectively. In the covariant approach, we apply unitary cut of Feynman diagrams and separate them into leptonic and hadronic currents and hence, after the squaring matrix element, we can obtain differential cross section up to NNLO level.
In this talk, I will quickly review covariant approach and provide our latest results for quadratic full electroweak corrections to e−p and μ− p scattering processes.
The proximity-focusing Ring Imaging CHerenkov (pfRICH) detector is crucial for particle identification (PID) in the electron-going direction in $-3.5 < \eta < -1.5$ in ePIC at BNL. As a high-energy charged particle passes through a medium, it emits Cherenkov radiation at an angle related to the speed at which it is traveling. A separation of particle species among $e$, $\pi$, $K$ and $p$ is thus possible together with the measurement of particle momentum and knowledge of the medium's refractive index. We simulate single-particle events with pfRICH standalone simulation software, and examine PID capabilities by calculating the probabilities of a given charged particle reconstructed as $e$, $\pi$, $K$ or $p$, as a function of the particle kinematics. These simulation results are summarized as look-up tables and are regularly updated to EIC reconstruction software. In this talk, we present recent progress on studies of pfRICH PID performance, including an investigation of detector efficiency highly differential in the azimuthal angle.
For future experiments, precise momentum determination and particle identification over a broad range in momentum are required. With current time projection chambers (TPCs), space point measurement is limited due to the coarse segmentation ($\sim \mathrm{mm}$) of the readout planes. Recently developed GridPix readout ASICs, by contrast, have pixel pitch on the order of 25 microns. This finer pixel pitch allows for individual cluster counting which can improve tracking and PID performance of future TPCs. One limitation of TPCs remains that the material budget is high at the endcaps, even with a GridPix readout, for example due to the large cooling requirement of the chips. I will present ongoing and planned work to improve the material budget and thermal management with advanced two-phase CO2 cooling. Finally, I will briefly discuss a TPC layout suitable for a possible second detector at the EIC.
This paper presents improvements and design alterations made to the Evaporator System located in Stony Brook University S103, as well as an analysis of the techniques used for general operation and the specific application of creating a mirror for pfRICH. The evaporation process can be used to deposit a thin film of material upon a substrate, requiring a comprehensive vacuum system, and a combination of materials to sublimate or evaporate for the reflective coating. To adequately create the mirror, a procedure in which aluminum pellets are evaporated and chromium is sublimated resulting in a reflective finish is undergone, multiple modifications would then be made to the interior of the existing setup of the evaporator as well as the exterior equipment to facilitate this. The process was modeled in ROOT and MATLAB, to provide an approximate deposition amount, and designs for ion sources, and mounting fixtures among others were created in AutoCAD. Throughout the process, numerous, multi-faceted, issues were to be addressed ranging from the required servicing of pumps to entirely new renderings of mounts and piping and leak testing. The processes of pumping down the system for vacuum, making changes to the cooling, cryogenic pumping, and reflectivity characterization amongst other topics will be discussed. While this paper primarily highlights the improvements to the evaporation system, there will be a specific focus on pfRICH samples and objectives as they provide the catalyst and criteria for current repairs.
Nuclear physics pertains to the understanding of the structure and dynamics of the nuclei of atoms, accounting for almost all of the visible matter in the universe. The future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) will play a crucial role in discovering new laws of Nuclear Physics. A pivotal aspect of the EIC is exceptional particle identification (PID). Identifying charged hadrons in their final state can be done with special types of Cherenkov Detectors. One type of detector utilizes the Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov radiation (DIRC) phenomena. Able to provide precise PID separation up to relatively high momentum, DIRC radiators, made of synthetic fused silica, produce Cherenkov radiation when hit by high energy electromagnetically charged particles. The Cherenkov photons make their way to an electronic readout on one end of the radiator via internal reflection where their trajectories can be analyzed for PID. We are in the process of constructing a cosmic ray telescope (CRT) to utilize high energy muons from cosmic rays to test DIRC radiators. These types of radiators will be used for the high-performance DIRC (hpDIRC) to be used in the ePIC detector in the future EIC. Lots of labor was used for certain parts of the CRT, specifically the construction of a dark box for the DIRC radiators. The CRT construction and implementation of all of its components are planned to be completed before 2025.
AstroPix is an HV-CMOS monolithic silicon sensor and one of the main components along with the Pb/SciFi calorimeter of the Barrel Imaging Calorimeter (BIC) for the ePIC. Interleaved with the calorimeter layers, the AstroPix layers enable meeting the performance requirements for the Barrel Imaging Calorimeter, including electron/pion separation and gamma/pion discrimination.
The sensor has been developed, based on the ATLASPix sensor design, for NASA's All-sky Medium-Energy Gamma-ray Observatory eXplorer (AMEGO-X) mission and tested in parallel at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) in a bench environment. In addition, the Astropix version 3 has been recently tested at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility (FTBF) in an integrated prototype with the SciFi/Pb calorimeter as a part of the project R&D.
This talk will present the preliminary results from the AstroPix sensor (version 3) performance test at ANL and the beam test at FTBF.
The negative hadronic calorimeter (nHCal) for ePIC is a steel-scintillator4
sampling hadronic calorimeter under development, to be located in the electron-5
going direction. This calorimeter is needed to measure and distinguish charged6
and neutral hadronic showers coming from jets originating from fragmentation7
of small-x partons. The planned design type is a sandwich calorimeter with8
alternating layers of non-magnetic steel and plastic scintillator with wavelength-9
shifting fibers. The light readout will be provided by Silicon Photomultipliers. It10
will cover the pseudorapidity range −4.14 < η < −1.18. A performance study of11
negative Hcal is in progress for geometry, material, and energy resolution based12
on the existing simulation framework for high-energy experiments. We report13
ongoing Monte-Carlo studies of these properties of the calorimeter