Quark Hadron Duality Workshop: Probing the Transition from Free to Confined Quarks

James Madison University

James Madison University

800 S Main St, Harrisonburg, VA 22807
The aim of this workshop is to revisit the puzzle of quark-hadron duality at the dawn of the 12 GeV era at Jefferson Lab. In the 6 GeV era, duality has been observed to hold in an unprecedented variety of experiments and observables. While perturbative QCD methods accurately describe experimental results at high energies, and chiral expansion techniques can provide effective parametrizations of low energy data, a wide variety of reactions can be approximated by either single particle (quark) scattering or by exclusive resonance (hadron) interactions. The "duality" transcending these two regimes appears to be an intrinsic, unwavering property of nucleon structure; yet, its dynamical origin remains an unsolved mystery. This workshop will be a forum for experimentalists and theorists to review our existing understanding of duality, present new results and data, and discuss anticipated experiments and new theoretical ideas that can foster future research. The context of the discussion of duality will be from the point of view of the transition from confined to free partons.