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Apr 10 – 12, 2019
Denver, CO
US/Mountain timezone

The Dalitz decay and frame dependence of transition form factors in light-front dynamics

Apr 11, 2019, 4:25 PM
Director's Row H (Denver, CO)

Director's Row H

Denver, CO

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, 1550 Court Pl. lobby level of the Plaza building
contributed talk Production and Decays


Meijian Li (Iowa State University)


The radiative transitions between quarkonia states via the emission of a photon $\psi_A\to \psi_B\gamma$ have been studied extensively in the literature. In light-front dynamics, transition form factors are usually computed in the Drell-Yan frame, which limits the transfered momentum to the spacelike region. In this work, we explore the radiative transitions between vector and pseudoscalar quarkonia in more general frames, where we are able to access the form factors over the full kinematic region. We evaluate the frame dependence of the transition form factor for heavy quarkonia with light-front wave functions calculated from the valence Fock sector, and use it to help us understand the violation of Lorentz symmetry that arises from the Fock-space truncation. We also study the electromagnetic Dalitz decay $\psi_A\to \psi_B l^+l^-$, and predict the effective mass spectrum of the leptonic pair ($l = e,\mu$).

Primary author

Meijian Li (Iowa State University)


Prof. James Vary (Iowa State University) Prof. Pieter Maris (Iowa State University) Dr Yang Li (Iowa State University)

Presentation materials