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Apr 10 – 12, 2019
Denver, CO
US/Mountain timezone

Program overview

See Venue . The meeting rooms are on the lobby level of the Plaza building.

We, Apr 10 08:00 registration  
We plenary 1 08:45 - 10:30 Director's Row H
10:30 coffee  
We plenary 2 11:00 - 12:30 Director's Row H
12:30 lunch  
14:00 parallel (until 15:40)  
We parallel 1 Nuclear PDFs Director's Row I
We parallel 2 Production and Decays I Director's Row H
We parallel 3 Nuclear and Heavy Ion Director's Row J
We parallel 4 PDFs I Director's Row E
15:40 coffee  
16:00 parallel (until 17:40)  
We parallel 5 Jets Director's Row I
We parallel 6 Production and Decays II Director's Row H
We parallel 7 Hadron Form Factors Director's Row J
We parallel 8 PDFs II Director's Row E
18:00 GHP business meeting  
Th, Apr 11    
Th plenary 3 08:30 - 10:30 Director's Row H
10:30 coffee  
Th plenary 4 11:00 - 12:30 Director's Row H
12:30 lunch  
14:00 parallel (until 15:40)  
Th parallel 9 Ultra-Peripheral Collisions Director's Row I
Th parallel 10 Production and Decays III Director's Row E
Th parallel 11 Theoretical Approaches Director's Row J
Th parallel 12 3D Imaging Director's Row H
15:40 coffee  
16:00 parallel (until 17:40)  
Th parallel 13 Beam Energy Scans Director's Row I
Th parallel 14 Production and Decays IV Director's Row H
Th parallel 15 Quark-Gluon Correlations Director's Row J
Th parallel 16 GPDs Director's Row E
19:00 workshop dinner  
Fr, Apr 12    
8:30 parallel (until 10:10)  
Fr parallel 17 Onia/HF Director's Row I
Fr parallel 18 JPAC I Director's Row H
Fr parallel 19 Small Systems Director's Row J
Fr parallel 20 EIC I Director's Row E
10:10 coffee  
10:30 parallel (until 12:10)  
Fr parallel 21 GPDs and TMDs Director's Row I
Fr parallel 22 JPAC II Director's Row E
Fr parallel 23 Nucleon Structure Director's Row J
Fr parallel 24 EIC II Director's Row H
12:10 lunch  
Fr plenary 5 13:30 - 16:00 Director's Row H
16:00 end