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TESLA Technology Collaboration (TTC)

CEBAF Center Auditorium (Jefferson Lab)

CEBAF Center Auditorium

Jefferson Lab

12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
Charles Reece (Jefferson Lab), Olivier Napoly (CEA Saclay)
The mission of the TESLA Technology Collaboration is to advance SRF technology R&D and related accelerator studies across the broad diversity of scientific applications, and to keep open and provide a bridge for communication and sharing of ideas, developments, and testing across associated projects.

To this end the Collaboration supports and encourages free and open exchange of scientific and technical knowledge, expertise, engineering designs, and equipment. The TTC organizes regular collaboration meetings where new developments are reported, recent findings are discussed and technical issues are concluded. The next meeting will be hosted by Jefferson Lab 5-8 November 2012.

Program Committee:
  • Olivier Napoly, CEA
  • Camille Ginsburg, FNAL
  • Nobu Toge, KEK
  • Wolf-Dietrich Möller, DESY
  • Charles Reece, JLab
** Please note the change from daylight to standard time begins on November 4 **

Program contributors please register here for JLab Indico site participation.
TTC Meeting Group Photo
Working Group Charters
Indico support:
    • 8:00 AM 9:00 AM
      Registration and Continental breakfast 1h CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia

      Paperwork, nametags, and WEP2 key

    • 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
      Opening Plenary CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Convener: Dr Charles Reece (JLab)
      • 9:00 AM
        Welcome and logistics 10m
        Speakers: Dr Andrew Hutton (JLab), Dr Charles Reece (JLab)
      • 9:10 AM
        Introduction and update since last meeting 20m
        Speaker: Dr Olivier Napoly (TTC Chair)
      • 9:30 AM
        Status of CEBAF Upgrade 30m
        Speaker: Dr Fulvia Pilat (JLab)
      • 10:00 AM
        Status of Project X : design plans, cavity and cryomodule development 30m
        Speaker: Dr Camille Ginsburg (FNAL)
      • 10:30 AM
        Status of FRIB: design plans, cavity and cryomodule development 30m
        Speaker: Dr Kenji Saito (MSU-FRIB)
    • 11:00 AM 11:30 AM
      Coffee 30m CC Atrium

      CC Atrium

      Jefferson Lab

    • 11:30 AM 1:00 PM
      Plenary CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Convener: Dr Olivier Napoly (CEA Saclay)
      • 11:30 AM
        Status of the China ADS Project, with emphasis on SRF issues and challenges 30m
        Speaker: Dr Yunlong Chi (IHEP)
      • 12:00 PM
        First results from the E-XFEL cavity industrial production, and future plans 30m
        Speaker: Dr Paolo Michelato (INFN)
      • 12:30 PM
        Cavity activities at KEK for ILC and 3GeV-ERL 30m
        Speaker: Dr Eiji Kako (KEK)
    • 1:00 PM 2:30 PM
      Lunch 1h 30m Quark Cafe, CEBAF Center

      Quark Cafe, CEBAF Center

      Jefferson Lab

    • 2:30 PM 4:00 PM
      Plenary CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Convener: Camille Ginsburg (FNAL)
      • 2:30 PM
        Update from the thin film superconductor efforts 30m
        Speaker: Dr Charles Reece (JLab)
      • 3:00 PM
        Challenges in understanding Q0(Eacc) dependence 20m
        Speaker: Prof. Alexander Gurevich (ODU)
      • 3:20 PM
        Progress on the SRF developments for the high intensity projects in Europe 20m
        Speaker: Dr Guillaume Devanz (CEA)
      • 3:40 PM
        WG-1 Introduction 5m
      • 3:45 PM
        WG-2 Introduction 5m
      • 3:50 PM
        WG-3 Introduction 5m
      • 3:55 PM
        WG-4 Introduction 5m
    • 4:00 PM 4:30 PM
      Coffee 30m CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
    • 4:30 PM 6:00 PM
      WG-1 SRF systems and components for high-intensity or CW beam operation: Low and Medium Beta Technology CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Conveners: Dr Robert Laxdal (TRIUMF), Dr Sébastien Bousson (IPNO), Dr Yuan He (IMP)
      • 4:30 PM
        Operational Issues with SRF Systems in a High Intensity Linac 15m
        Speaker: Sang Ho Kim (SNS)
      • 4:45 PM
        Living with High Field SC solenoids in SRF Cryomodules 15m
        Speaker: Robert Laxdal (TRIUMF)
      • 5:00 PM
        HOM-BPM study in STF for cavity mis-alignment detection 15m
        Speaker: Ayaka Kuramoto (KEK)
      • 5:15 PM
        Advanced Quarter- and Half-Wave Resonator Development at ANL 15m
        Speaker: Zack Conway (ANL)
      • 5:30 PM
        SRF Activities at IMP 15m
        Speaker: Yuan He (IMP-CAS)
      • 5:45 PM
        Discussion 15m
    • 6:00 PM 7:30 PM
      Reception 1h 30m CEBAF Center Atrium

      CEBAF Center Atrium

      Jefferson Lab

    • 8:00 AM 8:30 AM
      Continental breakfast 30m CEBAF Center Atrium

      CEBAF Center Atrium

      Jefferson Lab

    • 8:30 AM 10:30 AM
      WG-1 (cont.): Low and medium beta technologies CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Conveners: Robert Laxdal (TRIUMF), Sebastien Bousson (IPN Orsay), Dr Yuan He (IMP, CAS)
      • 8:30 AM
        Technical Challenges Facing the FRIB SC-Linac 15m
        Speaker: Kenji Saito (MSU)
      • 8:45 AM
        Technical Challenges of IFMIF 15m
        Speaker: Guillaume Devanz (CEA-Saclay)
      • 9:00 AM
        Spoke Cavities for China ADS 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Yunlong Chi (IHEP)
      • 9:15 AM
        Spoke cavities for high-velocity applications 15m
        Speaker: Chris Hopper (ODU)
      • 9:30 AM
        Spoke Cavities for ESS and ADS in Europe 15m
        Speaker: Sebastien Bousson (IPN-Orsay)
      • 9:45 AM
        SPIRAL-II SRF Activities 15m
        Speaker: David Longuevergne (IPN-Orsay)
      • 10:00 AM
        Challenges, Progress and Plans of SRF-CH Structures 15m
        Speaker: Holger Podlech (U. Frankfurt)
      • 10:15 AM
        Discussion 15m
    • 10:30 AM 11:00 AM
      Coffee 30m CEBAF Center Atrium

      CEBAF Center Atrium

      Jefferson Lab

      Group photo in lobby
      Tour sign-in, lobby

    • 11:00 AM 12:30 PM
      WG-2 High gradient and high Q0 cavity developments CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Conveners: Dr Denis Kostin (DESY), Gianluigi Ciovati (JLab), Yasuchika Yamamoto (KEK)
      • 11:00 AM
        Strategy and Status of Reference Cavities for European XFEL 15m
        Reference cavities in the XFEL cavities pre-production: vertical cryostat acceptance RF tests at DESY.
        Speakers: Dr Alexey Sulimov (DESY), Dr Denis Kostin (DESY)
      • 11:15 AM
        IHEP ILC cavity R&D status 15m
        Speaker: Dr Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP)
      • 11:30 AM
        Experience with Vertical EP and comparison to horizontal EP 15m
        Speaker: Dr Fabien Eozenou (CEA)
      • 11:45 AM
        Recent results on high gradients at Cornell, including best cell shapes, reentrant multi-cell cavities, and VEP optimization 15m
        Speaker: Fumio Furuta (Cornell University)
      • 12:00 PM
        Results on second sound method 15m
        Speaker: Dr Juliette Plouin (CEA)
      • 12:15 PM
        Field emitter localization in a 9-cell cavity via X-ray mapping 15m
        Speaker: Mr Yongming Li (PKU/JLAB)
    • 12:30 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch 1h 30m Quark Cafe

      Quark Cafe

      Jefferson Lab

      Collaboration Board meeting during lunch - Room F113, CB members carry lunch there.
      - WebEx connection planned

    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      WG-2 High gradient and high Q0 cavity developments CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Conveners: Dr Denis Kostin (DESY), Gianluigi Ciovati (JLab), Dr Kirk Yamamoto (KEK)
      • 2:00 PM
        Parameter search of EBW condition for high gradient application 15m
        Speaker: Dr Takayuki Kubo (KEK)
      • 2:15 PM
        Statistics on quench locations of 1.3 GHz cavities at DESY 15m
        Speaker: Felix Schlander (DESY)
      • 2:30 PM
        Quench studies of a seamless 9-cell and comparison with welded cavities 15m
        Speaker: Dr Ari Palczewski (Jefferson Lab)
      • 2:45 PM
        Improvement of cavity performance by T-map, optical inspection and local grinding 15m
        Speaker: Dr Yasuchika Yamamoto (KEK)
      • 3:00 PM
        Inspection and treatment of cavity surface at DESY 15m
        Speaker: Dr Aliaksandr Navitski (DESY)
      • 3:15 PM
        Surface roughness studies and implications on cavity performance 15m
        Speaker: Chen Xu (JLab/W&M)
      • 3:30 PM
        Theoretical field limits, promises for new materials, and Nb3Sn work at Cornell 15m
        Speaker: Sam Posen (Cornell)
      • 3:45 PM
        Impurities of rare earth element in ingot Nb as a potential way to improve the cavity 15m
        Speaker: Feisi He (PKU/JLab)
    • 4:00 PM 6:30 PM
      JLab site tour 2h 30m SRF Lab, CEBAF, FEL -- Join assigned bus group in Lobby

      SRF Lab, CEBAF, FEL -- Join assigned bus group in Lobby

      Jefferson Lab

      Note: Closed-toe shoes and long pants are required for tour.

    • 8:00 AM 8:30 AM
      Breakfast 30m CEBAF Center Atrium

      CEBAF Center Atrium

      Jefferson Lab

    • 8:30 AM 10:25 AM
      WG-3 Developments of specialized cavity systems: Crab Cavities, ERL cavities, and cavities for SCRF guns CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Conveners: Dr Eiji Kako (KEK), Prof. Matthias Liepe (Cornell), Dr Peter McIntosh (STFC)
      • 8:30 AM
        KEK Crab Cavity Experience 15m
        Speaker: Kota Nakanishi (KEK)
      • 8:45 AM
        Report on the Deflecting/Crabbing Cavities Workshop 15m
        Speaker: Alireza Nassiri (ANL)
      • 9:00 AM
        Review of options for crab cavities in LHC 15m
        Speaker: Ben Hall (Lancaster University)
      • 9:15 AM
        SPX crab cavity development and testing 15m
        Speaker: Haipeng Wang (JLab)
      • 9:30 AM
        RF Dipole deflecting/Crabbing Cavities 15m
        Speaker: Subashini de Silva (ODU)
      • 9:45 AM
        Discussion: Crab/ deflecting cavities 10m
      • 9:55 AM
        Design, fabrication, and high Q0 testing of the main linac cavity for the Cornell ERL 15m
        Speaker: Nicholas Valles (Cornell University)
      • 10:10 AM
        Design and construction of a prototype Main Linac Cryomodule for Cornell's ERL 15m
        Speaker: Ralf Eichhorn (Cornell University)
    • 10:25 AM 10:55 AM
      Coffee 30m CEBAF Center Atrium

      CEBAF Center Atrium

      Jefferson Lab

    • 10:55 AM 12:30 PM
      WG-3 (cont.) CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Conveners: Eiji Kako (KEK), Prof. Matthias Liepe (Cornell University), Peter McIntosh (STEC)
      • 10:55 AM
        Integration and Cold Testing of the CW ERL cryomodule at Daresbury 15m
        Speaker: Shrikant Pattalwar (STFC)
      • 11:10 AM
        Construction and first cool-down of injector cryomodule for cERL 15m
        Speaker: Eiji Kako (KEK)
      • 11:25 AM
        Discussion: ERL cavities 10m
      • 11:35 AM
        BerlinPro SRF Gun development 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Knobloch Jens (HZB)
      • 11:50 AM
        ELBE SRF Gun testing status 15m
        Speaker: Peter Kneisel (JLAB)
      • 12:05 PM
        Progress with developing SRF guns and Update on other specialized cavities at BNL 15m
        Speaker: Sergey Belomesnykh (BNL)
      • 12:20 PM
        Discussion: SRF gun cavities 10m
    • 12:30 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch 1h 30m Quark Cafe

      Quark Cafe

      Jefferson Lab

      Technical Board meeting during lunch - Room F113, TB members carry lunch there

    • 2:00 PM 3:30 PM
      WG-4 Towards cost-effective SRF - in both construction and operation CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Conveners: Dr Hitoshi Hayano (KEK), Mr Joseph Preble (Thomas Jefferson National Accelrator Facility), Roland Garoby (CERN)
      • 2:00 PM
        Opportunities for ingot Nb in future accelerators 15m
        Speaker: Ganapati Myneni (JLab)
      • 2:15 PM
        Production status of high purity Nb sheets for XFEL and FRIB 15m
        Speaker: Hiroaki Umezawa (Tokyo Denkai)
      • 2:30 PM
        Cavity fabrication in CFF/KEK and its pressure vessel certification 15m
        Speaker: Dr Takayuki Saeki (KEK)
      • 2:45 PM
        Cost reduction activities in cavity fabrication at MHI 15m
        Speaker: Dr Fumiaki Inoue (MHI)
      • 3:00 PM
        Potential of coated Cu/state of the art and future perspective for Nb/Cu technology 15m
        Speakers: Dr Giovanni Terenziani (CERN), Dr Sergio Calatroni (CERN)
      • 3:15 PM
        Update on cavity processing R&D at FNAL/The hunt for higher Q0 15m
        Speaker: Dr Anna Grassellino (Fermilab)
    • 3:30 PM 4:00 PM
      Coffee 30m CEBAF Center Atrium

      CEBAF Center Atrium

      Jefferson Lab

    • 4:00 PM 5:30 PM
      WG-4 (cont.) CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Conveners: Mr Joseph Preble (Thomas Jefferson National Accelrator Facility), Roland Garoby (CERN)
      • 4:00 PM
        Requirements for efficient CW SRF cryomodules 15m
        Speaker: Andrew Burrill (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
      • 4:15 PM
        Design specificities of the SPL cryomodule prototype 15m
        Speaker: Dr Ofelia Capatina (CERN)
      • 4:30 PM
        Optimum cryomodule length at the ESS 15m
        Speaker: Wolfgang Hees (ESS)
      • 4:45 PM
        Industrialization of E-XFEL string and module assembly at CEA-Saclay 15m
        Speaker: Dr Catherine Madec (CEA_Saclay)
      • 5:00 PM
        Energy efficiency and recovery at the ESS 15m
        One of the distinguishing features of the European Spallation Source, currently under development in Lund, Sweden, is its commitment from the beginning to be a sustainable research center. In terms of energy use, this commitment takes the form of stressing energy efficiency, use of renewable sources to power the ESS and recapturing the significant waste heat from the site for use in the Lund district heating system. This talk will describe the challenges, current status and future plans of this effort.
        Speaker: Dr John Weisend (ESS)
      • 5:15 PM
        Discussion 15m
    • 5:30 PM 7:30 PM
      Networking Dinner 2h CEBAF Center Atrium

      CEBAF Center Atrium

      Jefferson Lab

    • 8:00 AM 8:30 AM
      Breakfast 30m CEBAF Center Atrium

      CEBAF Center Atrium

      Jefferson Lab

    • 8:30 AM 11:00 AM
      Technical Discussions - organized by the Technical Board CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      Convener: Dr Nobu Toge (KEK)
      • 8:30 AM
        Towards cost-effective SRF - in both construction and operation: in depth discussions WG-4 1h 15m
        Speakers: Hitoshi Hayano (KEK), Joseph Preble (Thomas Jefferson National Accelrator Facility), Roland Garoby (CERN), WG-4 Conveners
      • 9:45 AM
        High gradient and high Q0 cavity developments: in depth discussions WG-2 1h 15m
        Speakers: Dr Denis Kostin (DESY), Gianluigi Ciovati (JLab), WG-2 Conveners, Yasuchika Yamamoto (KEK)
    • 11:00 AM 11:30 AM
      Coffee 30m CEBAF Center Atrium

      CEBAF Center Atrium

      Jefferson Lab

    • 11:30 AM 12:30 PM
      Closing CEBAF Center Auditorium

      CEBAF Center Auditorium

      Jefferson Lab

      12000 Jefferson Ave. Newport News, Virginia
      • 11:30 AM
        Report from Collaboration Board 25m
      • 11:55 AM
        Report from Technical Board 25m
      • 12:20 PM
        Closing Remarks 10m
        Speaker: Dr Olivier Napoly (TTC Chair)