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EIC-Related Generic Detector R&D Proposal Review Meeting

ARC 231-3 for on-site committee members only (all others by Zoom)

ARC 231-3 for on-site committee members only (all others by Zoom)

David Mack (JLab)
  • Monday, October 30
    • 7:00 AM 7:45 AM
      Executive Session 1a (Monday) 45m
    • 7:45 AM 8:10 AM
      R&D of 4D Detectors with EICROC and AC-LGAD at EIC consolidating a US-Japan Consortium (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #12 (presention 1 of 6 in the category: Silcon Detectors)

      Speaker: Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima U.)
    • 8:10 AM 8:35 AM
      Fabrication and characterisation of the Trench Isolated Low Gain Avalanche Detectors for 4D tracking (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #15 (presentation 2 of 6 in the category: Silicon Detectors)

      Speakers: Dima Maneuski (U. of Glasgow), Simon Gardner (U. of Glasgow)
    • 8:35 AM 8:45 AM
      Short Break 10m
    • 8:45 AM 9:10 AM
      Scintillator Fiber Trackers for the ZDC and off-momentum detectors (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #17 (presentation 1 of 2 in the category: Other New Detectors)

      Speaker: Carlos Ayerbe Gayoso (College of William and Mary)
    • 9:10 AM 9:40 AM
      Superconducting Nanowire Detectors for the EIC (5+20+5) 30m

      Proposal #19 (presentation 2 of 2 in the category: Other New Detectors)

      Speaker: Sangbaek Lee (ANL)
    • 9:40 AM 10:25 AM
      Executive Session 1b (Monday) 45m
    • 10:25 AM 10:50 AM
      R&D for a new concept EIC nucleon polarimeter based on chemical hyperpolarisation (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #7 (sole presentation in the category: Other R&D to Support or Expand the Physics Program)

      Speaker: Daniel P. Watts (U. of York)
    • 10:50 AM 11:15 AM
      A Fast Timing MAPS Detector for the EIC (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #1 (presentation 3 of 6 in the category: Silicon Detectors)

      Speaker: Xuan Li (LANL)
    • 11:15 AM 11:25 AM
      Short Break 10m
    • 11:25 AM 11:50 AM
      Photonics-Based Readout and Power Delivery by Light for Large-Area Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #6 (presentation 4 of 6 in the category: Silicon Detectors)

      Speaker: Soumyajit Mandal (BNL Instr. Div.)
    • 11:50 AM 12:50 PM
      Executive Session 1c/Lunch (Monday) 1h
    • 12:50 PM 1:15 PM
      Slim Edge for LGADs (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #5 (presentation 5 of 6 in the category: Silicon Detectors)

      Speaker: Gabriele Giacomini (BNL Instr. Div.)
    • 1:15 PM 1:40 PM
      Large-Area Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors Combining High Spatial and Temporal Resolution (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #10 (presentation 6 of 6 in the category: Silicon Detectors)

      Speaker: Dominik Gorni (BNL Instr. Div.)
    • 1:40 PM 1:50 PM
      Short Break 10m
    • 1:50 PM 2:20 PM
      Design, Fabrication and testing of a multi-channel System on a chip for Low-Power High-Density High Timing Precision Readout ASIC for AC-LGADs (HPSoCv3) (5+20+5) 30m

      Proposal #11 (only presentation in the category: Front End Electronics)

      Speaker: Luca Macchiarulo (Nalu Scientific)
    • 2:20 PM 3:05 PM
      Executive Session 1d (Monday) 45m
  • Tuesday, October 31
    • 7:00 AM 7:25 AM
      Pressurized RICH (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #8 (presentation 1 of 4 in the category: PID, non-TOF)

      Speaker: Marco Contalbrigo (INFN Ferrara and U. Ferrara)
    • 7:25 AM 7:55 AM
      Performance of GridPIX Detector in Magnetic Field with low mass and high efficiency CO2 cooling (5+20+5) 30m

      Proposal #13 (presentation 2 of 4 in the category: PID, non-TOF)

      Speaker: Prakhar Garg (Yale U.)
    • 7:55 AM 8:05 AM
      Short Break 10m
    • 8:05 AM 8:30 AM
      Z-Tagging Mini DIRC (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #9 (presentation 3 of 4 in the category: PID, non-TOF)

      Speaker: Charles Hyde (Old Dominion U.)
    • 8:30 AM 9:00 AM
      Development of a Novel Readout Concept for an EIC DIRC (5+20+5) 30m

      Proposal #20 (presentation 4 of 4 in the category: PID, non-TOF)

      Speaker: Grzegorz Kalicy (CUA)
    • 9:00 AM 9:45 AM
      Executive Session 2a (Tuesday) 45m
    • 9:45 AM 10:10 AM
      Towards a Few-Degree Calorimeter: bridging the Q2 gap to support the quest for gluon saturation (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #2 (presentation 1 of 4 in the category: Calorimetry)

      Speaker: Miguel Arratia (UC Riverside)
    • 10:10 AM 10:40 AM
      Generic glass scintillators for EIC Calorimeters (ScintCalEIC) R&D (5+20+5) 30m

      Proposal #3 (presentation 2 of 4 in the category: Calorimetry)

      Speaker: Tanja Horn (CUA)
    • 10:40 AM 10:50 AM
      Short Break 10m
    • 10:50 AM 11:15 AM
      Feasibility of Organic Glass Scintillators for EIC ZDC (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #4 (presentation 3 of 4 in the category: Calorimetry)

      Speaker: Aleksey E Bolotnikov (BNL Instr. Div.)
    • 11:15 AM 11:45 AM
      Continuation of EIC KLM R&D Proposal (5+20+5) 30m

      Proposal #18 (presentation 4 of 4 in the category: Calorimetry)

      Speaker: Anselm Vossen (Duke U.)
    • 11:45 AM 12:45 PM
      Executive Session 2b/Lunch (Tuesday) 1h
    • 12:45 PM 1:10 PM
      Development of High Precision and Eco-friendly MRPC TOF Detector for EIC (5+15+5) 25m

      Proposal #14 (presentation 1 of 2 in the category: Gaseous Detectors)

      Speaker: Alexandre Camsonne (TJNAF)
    • 1:10 PM 1:40 PM
      Development of Double-sided Thin-Gap GEM-μRWELL for Tracking at the EIC (5+20+5) 30m

      Proposal #16 (presentation 2 of 2 in the category: Gaseous Detectors)

      Speaker: Kondo Gnanvo (TJNAF)
    • 1:40 PM 3:00 PM
      Executive Session 2c (Tuesday) 1h 20m

      (The committee finished deliberations at 16:30. The close-out will be at 20:00 this evening.)

    • 8:00 PM 8:20 PM
      Close-out Report 20m