Reliable Protection Systems: Reliable Protection Systems
- Martin Carroll (European Spallation Source ERIC)
Faced with the combination of increasing beam power, high operational availability requirements, and the reliance on often custom made, specialized and expensive equipment, machine protection in accelerator facilities is critical for protecting against long shutdown periods and the associated financial losses incurred though damage to equipment. Without any dedicated standards for the implementation of machine protection systems, defining a machine protection concept and method can be one of the key challenges faced by facilities to mitigate machine protection risks in a systematic way which requires a broad understanding of accelerator physics, engineering design, functional safety principles and gained facility experience. In this session it will be discussed some of the challenges and opportunities related to machine protection for accelerator facilities.
The SCLinac at TRIUMF’s Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC) Facility can provide energies above the Coulomb barrier to create nuclear reactions at our third/final set of experimental facilities. High vacuum is required to support the operation of RF & Cryogenics. This past June, two forms of vacuum protection failed in tandem to adverse results. Two years minimum are needed to regain...
ALBA is the Spanish 3rd generation synchrotron light source. In operation since 2012, we are continuously aiming to maximize the beam availability for users. Like the rest of particle accelerators, an Equipment Protection System (EPS) takes care of avoiding situations that could damage the accelerators.
Based on sensors (that gather information), PLCs (that processes it) and switches (that...
The beam abort system for the current Swiss Light Source (SLS) is based on inverting the RF phase to decelerate the stored beam. The loss process was assumed to evenly spread out the stored beam around the ring. However, it is actually localised at longitudinal positions where the dispersive orbit meets the machine aperture. For the SLS, these losses mainly occur at the septum and...