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Oct 16 – 21, 2022
Marriott Newport News at City Center
US/Eastern timezone


Machine Learning & Reliability

Oct 18, 2022, 8:30 AM
Marriott Newport News at City Center

Marriott Newport News at City Center

740 Town Center Dr., Newport News, Virginia, USA 23606 Front Desk: +1 757-873-9299 TOLL FREE: +1-866-329-1758


Machine Learning & Reliability

  • Rossano Giachino (CERN)


Machine Learning has already been applied in some instances to particle accelerators, the recent advances (e.g. deep learning) and heightened interest in the community indicate that it will be an increasingly valuable tool to meet new demands for beam energy, brightness and stability.
The intent of this session is to introduce how problems in accelerator science and operation (in particular accelerator reliability) can be approached using ML techniques, and how these have the potential to provide benefits over classical approaches.

Presentation materials

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