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Oct 16 – 21, 2022
Marriott Newport News at City Center
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Recent experience on LIPAc reliability

Oct 17, 2022, 3:30 PM
Oral Maintenance & Obsolesence Maintenance & Obsolescence


Dr CISMONDI, Fabio (Fusion for Energy)Mr SCANTAMBURLO, Francesco (F4E)


Construction, commissioning and validation of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) are carried out in the framework of the IFMIF/EVEDA project. The LIPAc in its current configuration operates with D+ and consists of a 100 keV injector, a 5 MeV RFQ accelerator, a medium and high energy beam transport lines and a beam dump. In its final configuration it will include a Half-Wave Resonator-SRF (HWR-SRF) linac and will target to commission a D+ beam in Continuous Wave (CW) of 125 mA CW at 9 MeV. A temporary transport line is currently replacing the SRF linac.
In 2019 the beam commissioning campaigns achieved to accelerate a 125 mA D+ beam through the RFQ at low duty cycle of ~0.1 %. Beam operation were carried out until December 2021. In 2021 and 2022 extensive experimental campaigns have been carried out on the injector and RFQ targeting CW operation. The injector campaign aims at identifying the best configuration for operating at CW and nominal beam current. The RFQ operation aims at reaching RFQ conditioning at CW at nominal voltage of 132kV.
This paper will focus on the reliability of injector and RFPS-RFQ during the respective conditioning campaigns and recent efforts made to improve future LIPAc reliability.

Primary authors

Dr CISMONDI, Fabio (Fusion for Energy) Mr SCANTAMBURLO, Francesco (F4E)

Presentation materials