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Oct 16 – 21, 2022
Marriott Newport News at City Center
US/Eastern timezone

Maintenance and Reliability Overview at the Canadian Light Source

Oct 17, 2022, 4:00 PM
Oral Maintenance & Obsolesence Maintenance & Obsolescence


LE PIMPEC, Frederic (Canadian Lightsource)


The Canadian Light Source (CLS), a 3rd generation light source operates since 2004 and is comprised of a 250 MeV Linac dating from 1964, a booster and a Storage ring built in 2003 and having seen completion of its last beamline(BL), #22, in 2019. For many years focus on BLs has put the maintenance of the machine in a dire position. With the completion of the last BL the Machine division can reclaim long overdue heavy maintenance to ensure both quality and reliable beam to CLS' users. I will present the status of the machine and needs for improvement as well as the CLS maintenance strategy to ensure that no system is orphan of a responsible group.

Primary author

LE PIMPEC, Frederic (Canadian Lightsource)

Presentation materials