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Apr 10 – 12, 2019
Denver, CO
US/Mountain timezone

3-body quantization condition in a minimal unitary relativistic approach

Apr 11, 2019, 5:05 PM
Director's Row H (Denver, CO)

Director's Row H

Denver, CO

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, 1550 Court Pl. lobby level of the Plaza building
contributed talk Production and Decays


Dr Maxim Mai (The George Washington University)


The interacting three-particle states are populated via an interacting two-particle sub-system (resonant or non-resonant), and a spectator. Using this formulation, we derive the relativistic isobar-spectator amplitude such that the three-body Unitarity is ensured exactly (*arXiv:1706.06118*). Unitarity constrains the imaginary parts of such an amplitude in infinite volume. In the finite volume this determines the leading power-law finite-volume effects allowing for a derivation of a highly desired 3-body quantization condition. Short derivation of the latter in the present formalism (*arXiv:1709.08222*) as well as a subsequent application to the physical system for which Lattice results exist (*arXiv:1807.04746*) will be presented in this talk.

Primary author

Dr Maxim Mai (The George Washington University)


Dr Michael Doering (The George Washington University)

Presentation materials