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Apr 10 – 12, 2019
Denver, CO
US/Mountain timezone

Fracture Functions from $\Lambda^0$ Leptoproduction for Target Remnant Description

Apr 11, 2019, 2:40 PM
Director's Row E (Denver, CO)

Director's Row E

Denver, CO

Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, 1550 Court Pl. lobby level of the Plaza building
contributed talk Production and Decays


Sereres Johnston (ANL)


Fracture functions describe the production of hadrons in the target remnant region. Similar to both fragmentation and structure functions, these non-perturbative objects are measurable, universal functions that can be extracted from experiment in one kinematic regime and used to compute reactions at different scales, factorizing and evolving in a predictable way. The Jefferson Lab CLAS EG2 data-set, which measured high statistics 5-GeV electron-scattering data binned in variables such as $Q^2$, $x_B$ and $\nu$, offers a rich opportunity to extract fracture functions using electron triggered processes. This talk will describe the ongoing work to extract fracture functions from the $\Lambda^0$ yields identified in binned EG2 data. This work is supported in part by the US DOE contracts # DE-AC02-06CH11357 and DE-FG02-03ER41528 On behalf of the CLAS Collaboration

Primary author


Presentation materials