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Oct 16 – 21, 2022
Marriott Newport News at City Center
US/Eastern timezone


Accelerator Support Systems

Oct 17, 2022, 10:30 AM


Accelerator Support Systems

  • Kathleen Genge (TRIUMF)


Reliable operation of accelerators requires reliable infrastructure support systems. This session explores the interface of these systems with accelerator systems as well as issues and optimization associated with them. Some of these areas include interfaces between cryogenics and plant operation, cooling and ventilation, electrical infrastructure and power quality, diesel and UPS backup power systems and power converters. Maintenance, disruption or malfunction of the utilities can lead to large impact on the accelerators in terms of downtime, reliability, and performance if no end-to-end approach is considered. In this session, feedback is welcome as well as means and strategies to make the accelerator components more resilient to support system disruptions (redundancy, backup system, harmonic filtering, UPS, training, etc.) and to shorten recovery time.

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