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Oct 16 – 21, 2022
Marriott Newport News at City Center
US/Eastern timezone

Availability and Reliability Foundational Pillars of the NA-CONS Project at CERN

Oct 18, 2022, 1:30 PM
1h 30m
Poster Poster Poster Session




North Area Consolidation Project aims for a performance and resource-oriented approach to improve the reliability and availability of North Experimental Area facilities at CERN-SPS. The North Area provides various beams for fixed-target experiments and test beams for the R&D programs of the CERN/LHC experiments as well as for present and future projects at CERN or other laboratories.

The project covers the consolidation needs for beamlines, experimental areas, infrastructure & services. Project consolidation is planned after analyzing the subsequent downtime due to the degraded condition of the facility amplified by the obsolescence of various equipment. Predicting failures & Preventive Maintenance are of prime importance to reduce the overall Operation & Maintenance costs for running the North Area facility.

The project goal of increased performance is linked to the “Physics Beyond Colliders” future requirements and energy optimizations. It is adapted to serve the current and future Particle Physics community needs.

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