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Oct 16 – 21, 2022
Marriott Newport News at City Center
US/Eastern timezone

Operation Statistics Analysis - Reliability and Fault Profiles of the CLS

Oct 18, 2022, 1:30 PM
1h 30m
Poster Poster Poster Session




The Canadian Light Source (CLS) is a 2.9 GeV third-generation synchrotron light source providing photons to 22 beamlines. In the last 18 years of operation there has been ongoing efforts to not only maintain but improve the reliability of the CLS. Over the past few years a more comprehensive strategy to rationalize our preventive maintenance through risk analysis and budget constraint has been developed.
I will present the contribution of the operator group to providing operational statistics as a part of this maintenance strategy through the understanding of our machine reliability over the years. This poster will reflect how the fault statistics helped the facility to improve the synchrotron reliability.
The change in reliability related to the change in injection modes -- from decay mode where injection was done every eight hours to a top up mode where injection is done every 2-5 minutes -- will also be highlighted

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