Timothy Hobbs
(Southern Methodist University)
Recent nuclear scattering data from the LHC contain a wealth of information providing important constraints on our knowledge of both nuclear and proton parton distribution functions (PDFs). In this talk, I present the nCTEQ nPDFs (which are now based upon a substantially upgraded code, nCTEQ++) to illustrate this point with a special focus on the ability of $W^\pm/Z$ boson production to help disentangle the PDFs' flavor dependence; this can be seen, for example, in the complementarity of the $W^\pm/Z$ information to fixed-target neutrino DIS data in affording leverage over the strangeness distribution. Given the fact that determinations of nucleon PDFs are often dependent upon nuclear corrections, I also demonstrate how improvements in nPDFs provided by LHC $p\,Pb$ and $Pb\,Pb$ data can mutually benefit proton PDF fits. Lastly, I will highlight some future directions for our nCTEQ analyses.
Primary author
Timothy Hobbs
(Southern Methodist University)