Brian Cole
((Columbia University))
Ultra-peripheral nucleus-nucleus collisions provide an opportunity to study nuclear parton distributions in a kinematic range not covered by previously existing measurements through measurements of jet photo-production. The ATLAS experiment at the LHC has carried out a set of measurements in 5.02 TeV ultra-peripheral Pb+Pb collisions including a measurement of light-by-light scattering, a preliminary measurement of di-muon photo production, and a preliminary measurement of di- and multi-jet photo-production. The dimuon measurements provide a valuable calibration of the photon fluxes associated with the ultra-relativistic nuclei and comparisons of the measured cross-sections with theoretical calculations will be shown. The jet photoproduction measurement will be the primary focus of the talk. The methods for selecting photo production events, comparisons with Monte Carlo simulations, and the resulting preliminary cross-sections will be shown and discussed.
Primary author
Brian Cole
((Columbia University))