Malte Albrecht
(Ruhr-University Bochum)
Despite the success of the simple quark model, the spectrum of light mesons is not well understood yet. For the mandatory understanding of the light-meson properties it is necessary to investigate different production processes and decay channels. Two complementary processes, the electron-positron and antiproton-proton annihilation, provide an excellent laboratory for such studies.
The presence of many broad and often overlapping states in this energy region requires a full partial wave analysis for the extraction of the properties of the contributing resonances.
In this talk recent results from analyses of data from electron-positron and from antiproton-proton annihilations are presented. The analyses were performed with the easy-to-use partial wave analysis software PAWIAN, which is being developed at Ruhr-University Bochum.
We will report on the analysis of BESIII data as well as a coupled channel analysis of light meson final states based on CB/LEAR data together with scattering data from earlier CERN and BNL experiments.
Primary author
Malte Albrecht
(Ruhr-University Bochum)