Barbara Jacak
(UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Hot, dense QCD matter has been shown to have some very remarkable properties. Its vanishingly small shear viscosity to entropy density ratio means that it flows essentially without internal friction. It is also very opaque to transiting strongly interacting particles, dispersing the deposited energy rather efficiently. It remains a mystery, though, how this plasma can emerge from the cold, dense gluonic matter deep inside nuclei so quickly. Proton-nucleus and high multiplicity proton-proton collisions show some of the same behavior as hot, dense matter in heavy ion collisions. However, properties of the cold QCD matter deep inside nuclei are not well known. Jets of hadrons offer a promising probe of both hot and cold dense QCD matter. I will discuss some of the jet measurements needed at a future Electron-Ion Collider, and what it will take to make those measurements.
Primary author
Barbara Jacak
(UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)