The deuteron electro-disintegration $D(e,e'p)n$ experiment aims to measure D(e,e'p)n cross sections at high $Q^2$, $x_{Bj} > 1$, and missing momenta $p_m>600$ MeV/c with great statistical precision. To obtain a greater understanding of the strong nuclear force, we must probe the nucleus at sub-fermi distances where the nucleons overlap. In this region, the nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential is...
We propose a novel method to probe light-quark dipole moments by examining the azimuthal asymmetries between a collinear pair of hadrons in semi-inclusive deep inelastic lepton scattering off an unpolarized proton target at the Electron-Ion Collider. These asymmetries provide a means to observe transversely polarized quarks, which arise exclusively from the interference between the dipole and...
We calculate the elastic production of dijets from electron collisions with a longitudinally polarized proton target at small values of the Bjorken $x$ variable. Building on the pioneering proposals of [1-3] for measuring the quark and gluon orbital angular momentum (OAM) distributions, our focus is on both the longitudinal double spin asymmetry (DSA) and longitudinal single spin asymmetry...
Particle collider experiments are generally driven by the attempt to discover new particles and perform exact measurements of physical phenomena. The main purpose of those experiments is to find out the discrepancies from the current theoretical measurable properties of matters. Traditionally, photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) have been extensively used to detect scintillation light in particle...
We investigate the impact of future measurements at the electron-ion collider (EIC) and Jefferson Lab (JLab) on the nucleon's transversity distributions and tensor charges, focusing on dihadron production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering.
For this study, we use EIC pseudo-data for a proton target, as well as JLab (CLAS and SoLID) pseudo-data for proton, deuteron, and $^3$He...
Incoherent DVCS on a Deuteron target provide a way to extract Compton form factors of the neutron. Compton form factors are a convolution of a hard kernel with GPDs. The neutron GPDs provide quark flavor separation in GPDs. In modeling unpolarized incoherent DVCS on Deuteron we use a lightfront wavefunction to factorize nuclear and nucleonic structure in DVCS. In addition to DVCS amplitude,...
One of the major goals of the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is to better understand nuclear structure at high energy. A principal measurement is coherent exclusive vector meson (VM) production in diffractive e + A collisions. The gluon spatial distribution inside the nucleus can be obtained through a Fourier transform of the nuclear momentum transfer (|t|) distribution for these vector mesons....
Recently, a novel approach has been suggested to compute parton distributions through the use of boosted correlators fixed in the Coulomb gauge from lattice QCD, within the framework of Large-Momentum Effective Theory (LaMET). This approach circumvents the need for Wilson lines, potentially enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of lattice QCD calculations significantly. In this study, we...
The PrimEx-eta experiment conducted in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, aims
to extract the radiative decay width of the η meson. This experiment serves
as a probe to test fundamental symmetries in low energy QCD by exploiting
the Primakoff effect, specifically by measuring the η meson photoproduction
cross section on a Helium-4 target. Additionally, it will provide valuable in-
put to determine...
Proton anti-proton production has been used to search for possible intermediate systems in various experiments.
Evidence for a potential narrow resonance in the $p\bar{p}$ system is scarce, while there is no evidence for
a wide resonance in the $p\bar{p}$ system in either photoproduction or electroproduction. Previous high statistic
photoproduction analyses have focused on the extraction...
Understanding the transverse momentum-dependent distributions (TMDs) in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) is essential to explore the three-dimensional nucleon structure.
In this presentation, we discuss extending this framework into the nuclear domain, where TMDs enable investigating of nuclear effects.
This study explores the modifications induced by nuclear medium on SIDIS...
In this talk, I will present two approaches for extracting the total gluon helicity contribution to proton spin from lattice QCD, one from local operator matrix elements in a fixed gauge accessible on lattice with feasible renormalization, and the other from gauge-invariant nonlocal gluon correlators. Neither of these approaches requires a matching procedure when converted to the MS scheme....
Two key objectives of the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) are to explore the 3D structure of hadrons—via Transverse Momentum Dependent distributions (TMDs) and Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs)—and to understand gluon saturation at small-x, as described by the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) effective field theory. This talk focuses on observables that bridge these complementary goals of...
We present a comprehensive study of the electromagnetic form factors (EMFFs) of the pion and kaon, as well as the generalized parton distributions (GPDs) of the pion, using lattice QCD. For the form factors, we compute the pion and kaon EMFFs at high momentum transfers, $-t$, up to 10 and 28 GeV$^2$, respectively, achieving good agreement with experimental results up to $-t$ $\lesssim$ 4...
Abstract. The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) uses mainly the Empirical Parametrized cross-section (EPAX) formula and GEANT4 Monte Carlo tool to model experimental setups or to predict the production of rare isotopes via fragmentation process. GEANT4 is a prime tool in the simulation of the interaction between particle and matter and EPAX, is a powerful formula to calculate the...
We present new parton distribution functions (PDFs) at next-to-leading order (NLO) and
next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in perturbative QCD, derived from a comprehensive global QCD analysis
of high-precision data sets from combined HERA deep-inelastic scattering (DIS),
the Tevatron, and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). To improve constraints on quark
flavor separation, we...