Parallel 2: Parallel 2
- Wim Cosyn (Florida International University)
Since baryon is a composite particle, one may wonder which degrees of freedom are carrying the conserved charges, including the baryon number. A baryon junction, that arises naturally in a gauge-invariant description of the baryon wavefunction, is a perfect candidate to associate the baryon number with. In this talk I will discuss various possibilities to test the flow of baryon number...
We analyze the thermalization of jets in QED2 in detail. In particular, we identify the emergence of an effective temperature. Moreover, we compute the quasiparton distributions of the lightest meson in massive QED2. For increasing rapidity, we compute the spatial quasiparton distribution functions and amplitude for the lowest excited state numerically both at strong and weak coupling and...
Starting from the Weinberg formalism for fields of arbitrary spin, we discuss a method for the decomposition of matrix elements of QCD operators (local currents, quark/gluon bilinears) for targets with arbitrary spin. This procedure is advantageous for the systematic study of the structure of hadrons and nuclei, particularly in the case of spin-dependent observables. As higher spin targets...
A new global QCD analysis by the JAM collaboration performs the first extraction of transversity PDFs and tensor charges using both the Transverse Momentum Distribution (TMD) and Dihadron Fragmentation Function (DiFF) channels simultaneously, including all currently available experimental data. Known theoretical constraints on transversity, namely, its small-$x$ asymptotic behavior and the...
We investigate the quark transversity parton distribution functions (PDFs) in the nucleon within the framework of a covariant and confining Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. The nucleon bound state is obtained by solving the Faddeev equation in the quark–diquark approximation. The parameters of the model are fitted to the well-known experimentally measurable quantities such as the proton mass,...
Hadronization processes, how particular hadrons are formed from scattered quarks and gluons (partons), is a key area of study in high- energy physics. The Belle II experiment at the asymmetric e+e- collider SuperKEKB offers a high-statistics, clean initial state to extract and refine our understanding of hadronization, including Fragmentation Functions (FFs), which describe the probability...