Normal spin asymmetries are an important tool in the study of hadron structure. They can be studied in a wide range of reactions in electron scattering, namely elastic, inclusive, semi-inclusive, and a wide range of energies. Experimental results are still few and far apart. Theoretical means of study are still limited, with the low energy purely elastic case being the only one under almost complete control. In this talk we cover the next stage beyond that case, where the Delta resonance can be excited, and up to energies close to the next higher resonance. This regime is amenable to an approach that uses the 1/Nc expansion to unify the description of the EM interaction for nucleons and Delta, and where effects can be organized in powers of 1/Nc. The target single spin asymmetry is then studied to the next subleading order in 1/Nc. It is expected that the results are predictions accurate to that order, and can motivate efforts to mesure the asymmetry in the low/intermediate energy regime where there are no significant results.