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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Accepted Plenary Speakers

The following list contains a snapshot of the accepted plenary talks in no particular order

  • Zohreh Davoudi, Quantum Computing and QCD/spin
  • Nikos Sparveris, "Generalized polarizabilities of the proton"
  • Yong Zhao, "Lattice calculation of TMD physics"
  • Matthew Sievert, "“Low-x and saturation at the EIC”.
  • Ronald Walsworth, "Quantum sensors sensitive to small number of nuclear spins"
  • Cédric Lorcé, Electromagnetic and gravitational form factors of the proton”
  • Qun Wang, Spin in heavy Ion Collisions - Theory
  • Shohini Bhattacharya, “What are GPDs and how to access them on Lattice QCD
  • Wim Cosyn, “From nucleon to nuclear generalised parton distributions”
  • Tom Clegg, "Perspectives on polarized ion sources and targets"
  • Zein-Eddine Meziani, "“Gluonic gravitational form factors of the proton”
  • Nobuo Sato, Update on phenomenology
  • Alexei Prokudin, "Theory of TMDs and 3D Imaging
  • Aihong Tang, "Spin in Heavy Ion Collisions"
  • Jian-Ping Chen, "Inclusive spin structure function program at Jefferson Lab"
  • Ian Moult, "Jets for spin physics - Theory
  • Christine Aidala, "Jets for spin physics - Experiment"
  • Werner Vogelsang, "Status of polarized PDFs
  • Aida Al-Khadra, "Current status of g-2 (exp + theory)""
  • Silvia Niccolai, "Experimental aspects of GPDs"
  • Harut Avakian, "TMD program at JLab"
  • William (Bill) Heidbrink, "Polarized Fusion"
  • Pasquale Di Nezza, "Fixed Target Program at the LHC"
  • Frank Rathmann, "Search for Electric Dipole Moments and Axions/ALPs of charged particles using storage rings"
  • Spencer Klein, "Probing generalised parton distributions in ep and ultra-peripheral collisions"
  • Cynthia Keppel, "New possibilities for Spin Physics Enabled with Planned Upgrades at Jlab"
  • Frank Maas, "Spin physics at MESA/MAM"
  • Christoph Montag,"EIC Accelerator Features"
  • Chris Dilks, "The ePIC Detector and Physics Program"
  • Bakur Parsamyan, "The COMPASS Spin Program"
  • Carl Gagliardi, "The STAR Forward Program"
  • Evie Downie, "Proton Radius Measurements using Leptonic Scattering"