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Feb 24 – 28, 2025
Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus
US/Eastern timezone

Meson TMDs, GPDs and fragmentation functions

Feb 25, 2025, 10:15 AM
Graham Center 140 (Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus)

Graham Center 140

Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus

11200 SW 8th ST Miami FL, 33199
talk Plenary


Bruno El-Bennich


The light-front wave functions (LFWF) of hadrons can be obtained by projecting their Bethe-Salpeter wave functions on the light front. The latter is obtained within a functional approach to QCD, solving first the quark gap equation within a chiral-symmetry preserving truncation scheme and then the Bethe-Salpeter equation for pseudoscalar and vector mesons. With the LFWF we derive the meson’s parton distribution function (PDF), transverse momentum distribution (TMD) and generalized parton distributions (GPD) of light and heavy mesons as well as quarkonia. Quark-fragmentation functions and their generalization to jet functions are obtained within the same framework. The insights of these studies serve to prepare the field for nucleons, which are the real object of interest at the EIC.

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