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Feb 24 – 28, 2025
Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus
US/Eastern timezone

Deeply virtual production of a phi meson at threshold

Feb 24, 2025, 4:10 PM
Graham Center 140 (Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus)

Graham Center 140

Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus

11200 SW 8th ST Miami FL, 33199
talk Parallel


Jakob Schoenleber (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


We discuss exclusive $\phi$-meson electroproduction off the proton near threshold within the GPD factorization framework.
We propose the "threshold approximation" in which only the leading term of the
conformal partial wave expansion of the process amplitudes
is kept in both the quark and gluon exchange channels.
We test the validity of this approximation to next-to-leading order in QCD
and demonstrate the strong sensitivity of the cross section to the gluon
and strangeness gravitational form factors.
We also perform realistic event generator simulations both for Jefferson Lab
and EIC kinematics and demonstrate the capabilities of future facilities
for measuring near-threshold $\phi$ production.

Primary authors

Henry Klest (Argonne National Laboratory) Jakob Schoenleber (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Kornelija Passek-K. Yoshitaka Hatta (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials

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