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Feb 24 – 28, 2025
Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus
US/Eastern timezone

Correspondence between Color Glass Condensate and High-Twist Formalism

Feb 24, 2025, 12:30 PM
Graham Center 140 (Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus)

Graham Center 140

Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus

11200 SW 8th ST Miami FL, 33199
talk Plenary


Yu Fu (duke university)


The Color Glass Condensate (CGC) effective theory and the collinear factorization at high-twist (HT) are two well-known frameworks describing perturbative QCD multiple scatterings in nuclear media. It has long been recognized that these two formalisms have their own domain of validity in different kinematics regions. In this work, we argue that a consistent matching between both frameworks, in their common domain of validity, is achieved by incorporating the sub-eikonal longitudinal momentum phase in the CGC formalism, which mediates the transition between coherent and incoherent scattering. We perform a detailed calculation and analysis of direct photon production in proton-nucleus scattering as a concrete example to establish the matching between HT and CGC up to twist-4, including initial- and final-state interactions, as well as their interferences. The techniques developed in this work can be adapted to other processes in electron-nucleus and proton-nucleus collisions, and they provide a potential avenue for a unified picture of dilute-dense dynamics in nuclear media.

Primary author

Yu Fu (duke university)


Farid Salazar (Temple University) Hongxi Xing (South China Normal University) Xin-Nian Wang (LBNL) Zhong-Bo Kang (UCLA)

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