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Feb 24 – 28, 2025
Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus
US/Eastern timezone

Nuclear Fragmentation at the Future Electron-Ion Collider

Feb 25, 2025, 2:25 PM
Graham Center 140 (Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus)

Graham Center 140

Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus

11200 SW 8th ST Miami FL, 33199
talk Plenary


Carlos Carlos Bertulani (East Texas A&M University)


I will discuss low-energy nuclear physics at the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) at Brookhaven. By comparing the standard theory of electron-nucleus scattering with the equivalent photon method applied to Ultraperipheral Collisions (UPC) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. In the limit of extremely high beam energies and small energy transfers, very transparent equations emerge. We apply these equations to analyze nuclear fragmentation in UPCs at the LHC and $eA$ scattering at the EIC, demonstrating that the EIC could facilitate unique photonuclear physics studies. However, we have also shown that the fragmentation cross-sections at the EIC are about 1,000 times smaller than those at the LHC. At the LHC, the fragmentation of uranium nuclei displays characteristic double-hump mass distributions from fission events, while at the EIC, fragmentation is dominated by neutron emission and fewer few fission products, about 10,000 smaller number of events.

Primary author

Carlos Carlos Bertulani (East Texas A&M University)

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