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Feb 24 – 28, 2025
Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus
US/Eastern timezone

Helicity and Unpolarized TMDs of Nucleon from Lattice QCD: towards $b_T$ dependence in the nonperturbative regime

Feb 24, 2025, 5:25 PM
280 (Graham Center)


Graham Center

Miami, Florida International University
talk Parallel 2


Mr Xiang Gao (BNL)


We report a lattice QCD study of iso-vector helicity transverse momentum-dependent distributions (TMDs) and flavor-dependent unpolarized TMDs of $u$- and $d$-quarks. Utilizing domain-wall fermion discretization with physical quark masses and a fine lattice spacing of $a$ = 0.0836 fm, we compute both conventional gauge-invariant (GI) quasi-TMDs and the novel Coulomb-gauge-fixed quasi-TMDs. Based on the factorization to the light-cone TMDs under the framework of large momentum effective theory (LaMET), we extract the renormalization-group-invariant (RGI) ratios between these three TMDs as functions of longitudinal momentum fraction $x$ and transverse separation $b_T$. Our results are compared with recent global analyses of helicity and unpolarized TMDs. Additionally, we discuss the connection between the three-dimensional TMDs and the one-dimensional parton distribution functions.

Primary authors

Dennis Bollweg Jinchen He (University of Maryland, College Park) Peter Petreczky (BNL) Swagato Mukherjee (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Mr Xiang Gao (BNL) Yong Zhao

Presentation materials