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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

New Opportunities with Jefferson Lab at 22 GeV

Sep 29, 2023, 5:00 PM
Grand Ballroom 3 (Durham Convention Center)

Grand Ballroom 3

Durham Convention Center

Talk Plenary Plenary


Dr Cynthia Keppel (Jefferson Lab)


The CEBAF accelerator at Jefferson Lan delivers the world’s highest intensity multi-GeV electron beams. The 12 GeV era at the laboratory is well underway, with many important experimental results already published and approved experiments planned for the next decade. At the same time, the CEBAF community is looking toward its future and the science that could be obtained through a cost-effective upgrade to 22 GeV. The potential to upgrade CEBAF to higher energies opens a rich and unique experimental nuclear physics program - with spin observables a major focus. A brief overview of the upgrade plans will be presented, along with some of the motivating science that explores different facets of non-perturbative dynamics manifested in hadron structure and the richness of strongly interacting systems.

Primary author

Dr Cynthia Keppel (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials