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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Tensor polarized deuteron structure

Sep 27, 2023, 9:00 AM
Junior Ballroom A1-A2 (Durham Convention Center)

Junior Ballroom A1-A2

Durham Convention Center

Talk Nucleon helicity structure Joint Helicity/Nuclear


Wim Cosyn (Florida International University)


Scattering reactions on the deuteron, being spin 1 and having tensor polarization modes, involve more independent structures than those on the nucleon. I discuss aspects of the tensor polarized asymmetry Azz in deep inelastic scattering on the deuteron. In light of the upcoming JLab measurements I focus on and discuss the contributions of leading and higher-twist contributions to the asymmetry. I also demonstrate how tagging a spectator nucleon allows to measure maximal Azz (1,-2) asymmetries and provides constraints on the deuteron nuclear structure, in contrast to the inclusive values which are tiny. These measurements would be possible with the far-forward detecors at the EIC when operating with polarized deuteron beams.

Primary author

Wim Cosyn (Florida International University)

Presentation materials