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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Status of the 5 MeV Mott polarimeter at MESA

Sep 26, 2023, 4:40 PM
Junior Ballroom A3 (Durham Convention Center)

Junior Ballroom A3

Durham Convention Center

Talk Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams Acceleration, Storage and Polarimetry of Polarized Beams


Rakshya Thapa (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)


Parity-violating experiments like P2 at Mainz Energy-Recovering Superconducting Accelerator (MESA) demand an accuracy of polarization measurement of Δ P/P < 1%. To ensure beam polarization, a polarimetry chain with polarimeters at different energies and working principles is planned to track the electron beam polarization throughout the MESA lattice. As a part of the chain, a Mott polarimeter will be installed after the pre-acceleration of the polarized beam to 5 MeV energy. Based on extensive background simulations, the design of vacuum system and target assembly has reached its final stage. A preliminary approach towards a detection system will also be presented.

Primary author

Rakshya Thapa (Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz)


Prof. Kurt Aulenbacher (Institute for Nuclear Physics, University Mainz) Dr Valery Tioukine (Institute for Nuclear Physics, University Mainz)

Presentation materials