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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

The gluon helicity from Lattice QCD

Sep 26, 2023, 9:30 AM
Junior Ballroom D1-D2 (Durham Convention Center)

Junior Ballroom D1-D2

Durham Convention Center

Talk Nucleon helicity structure Nucleon Helicity Structure


David Richards (Jefferson Lab)


I describe recent progress by the HadStruc Collaboration at extracting the helicity distribution from Lattice QCD calculations using the pseudo-PDF framework. I begin by briefly outlining the pseudo-PDF framework, before proceeding to its implementation for our study of the gluon PDF. I describe the variety of methods employed to overcome the poor signal-to-noise ratios inherent in such calculation: the distillation framework, gradient flow, and the use of the variational method. I conclude with a discussion of the potential of first-principles lattice calculation and experimental data together to provide further constrains on the gluon helicity content of the nucleon than can be accomplished by computation or experiment alone.

Primary author

David Richards (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials