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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

Probing the Sivers Asymmetry from light-sea quarks with the SpinQuest (E1039) experiment

Sep 26, 2023, 2:00 PM
Junior Ballroom C (Durham Convention Center)

Junior Ballroom C

Durham Convention Center


Ishara Fernando (University of Virginia)


The SpinQuest experiment (E1039) at Fermilab will measure the correlation between the angular distribution of the final-state di-muons and the spin-polarization of transversely polarized NH$_3$ (for proton) and ND$_3$ (for neutron) targets. The 120 GeV unpolarized proton beam of the Main Injector will be used to measure the Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry (TSSA) to quantify both the magnitude and sign of the Sivers functions for the sea quarks. Sea quark information in polarized nucleons is greatly lacking in global data and SpinQuest will provide critical insight into the sea quarks' role in partonic dynamics and composition. In addition to the Drell-Yan TSSA measurements, J/Psi TSSAs will also be measured to extract information on the gluon Sivers function. This presentation will provide an overview of the current status and forthcoming plans of the SpinQuest experiment.

Primary author

Ishara Fernando (University of Virginia)

Presentation materials