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Sep 24 – 29, 2023
US/Eastern timezone

A High-Magnetic-Field Polarized 3He Target for JLab's CLAS12

Sep 26, 2023, 11:00 AM
JuniorA1-A2 (Durham Convention Center)


Durham Convention Center

Talk Polarized Ion and Lepton Sources and Targets Polarized Ion and Lepton Sources and Targets


Dr James Maxwell (Jefferson Lab)


Polarized $^3$He nuclear targets have been invaluable surrogates for polarized neutron targets in spin-dependent scattering studies of the quark and gluon structure of matter. Traditional polarized $^3$He targets have seen dramatic improvements in the last three decades, however they have been limited in their use in spectrometers that utilize high-magnetic-field tracking systems, such as Jefferson Lab's CLAS12 spectrometer. Developments in high-magnetic-field metastability exchange optical pumping of $^3$He, recently brought to bear for a polarized $^3$He ion source for RHIC and the EIC, offer a path to a high-field polarized $^3$He fixed target. By combining these techniques with a double-cell cryogenic target design, such as the one used for the MIT-Bates 88-02 experiment, polarization and target density comparable to traditional polarized $^3$He targets can be reached while within a high magnetic field environment. We will discuss the conceptual design for such a target and show our progress in this target's development.

Primary author

Dr James Maxwell (Jefferson Lab)


Chris Keith (Jefferson Lab) Dien Nguyen (JLAB) James Brock (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility) Richard Milner (MIT) Xiaqing Li (MIT)

Presentation materials