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May 8 – 12, 2023
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
US/Eastern timezone

EOSC-CZ plans for physical sciences

May 9, 2023, 11:45 AM
Marriott Ballroom I (Norfolk Waterside Marriott)

Marriott Ballroom I

Norfolk Waterside Marriott

235 East Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510
Oral Track 8 - Collaboration, Reinterpretation, Outreach and Education Track 8 - Collaboration, Reinterpretation, Outreach and Education


Chudoba, Jiri


Planned EOSC-CZ projects will significantly improve data management in many scientific fields in the Czech Republic. Several calls for projects are under preparation according to the implementation architecture document created in 2021. Emerging National data infrastructure will build basic infrastructure with significant storage capacity for long term archive of scientific data and their accessibility from computing resources. National metadata directory project covers findability and interoperability of data. National repository platform project will operate storage services and related services like authentication and authorization. The system will support already existing data repositories to avoid data duplication, but still to ensure unified access to data. Another project will cover education of researchers and specialists for data curation. About eight additional projects will cover different scientific fields.
The prepared project for physical sciences will bring together small groups producing data on apparatuses in different laboratories with large projects from high energy physics. Many HEP projects are well advanced in ensuring FAIR principles in data management. Some of their data management tools can be used by small groups if sufficient support is available. We present several examples of differences in requirements on data volumes, their structure and description via metadata together with planned solution how to spread FAIR standards to all participating physics projects.

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