Please visit Jefferson Lab Event Policies and Guidance before planning your next event:

May 8 – 12, 2023
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
US/Eastern timezone

Instructions to Speakers

Instructions to speakers

We encourage all speakers to take note of the following guidelines when preparing their slides and getting them to use before their presentations.

At the conference there will be a dedicated speaker support desk where presenters can ensure their material is uploaded and will be correctly displayed in the rooms.

Abstract guidelines

Selection of talks and posters will be made on the basis of submitted abstracts. Parallel talks and posters will be organized in twelve tracks, as indicated in the table below. The Program Committee will decide which contributions will become oral presentations, and which become posters. Exceptional contributions may be proposed for promotion to a plenary talk by the Program Committee.

  • The recommended length of your abstract is 150-250 words, but there is no hard limit.
  • Submitters of abstracts are required to select an appropriate track; optionally a second choice of track can be indicated; an abstract will be assigned by the reviewers to only one track.
  • Consider carefully the track to which you wish to submit your paper - submitting to the wrong track will slow down the process.
  • If you would like your abstract to be considered for promotion to a plenary talk, please indicate that.
  • If you have difficulty selecting a track from the list, please send an email to explaining the problem.

Submitters are also asked to make sure that their email addresses and those of the proposed presenters are their primary email addresses.

CHEP 2023 - Data and Metadata Organization, Management and Access - DOMA & MOMA

List of Tracks

Associated Keywords

Track 1 - Data and Metadata Organization, Management and AccessStorage management frameworks; data access protocols; object, metadata and event store systems; content delivery and caching; data analytics; FAIR data principles; non-event data; data classification; online and offline databases.
Track 2 - Online ComputingData acquisition; high-level triggers; streaming and trigger-less data acquisition; online data calibration; online reconstruction; real-time analysis; event building; configuration and access controls; detector control systems; real-time analytics and monitoring; trigger techniques and algorithms; hardware trigger algorithms.
Track 3 - Offline ComputingMC event generation; detector simulation; fast simulation; offline reconstruction; detector calibration; detector geometries; data quality systems; data preparation; physics performance.
Track 4 - Distributed ComputingGrid middleware; monitoring and accounting frameworks; security models and tools; distributed workload management; federated authentication and authorisation infrastructures; middleware databases; software distribution and containers; heterogeneous resource brokerage.
Track 5 - Sustainable and Collaborative Software EngineeringSoftware frameworks; collaborative software; sustainable software; software management, continuous integration; software building; testing and quality assurance; software distribution; programming techniques and tools; integration of external toolkits.
Track 6 - Physics Analysis ToolsAnalysis algorithms; object identification; object calibration; analysis workflows; lattice QCD; theory calculations; high performance analysis frameworks.
Track 7 - Facilities and VirtualizationCloud resources; HPC and supercomputers; deployment of virtual machines and container technologies; anything-as-a-service; private and commercial clouds; dynamic provisioning; networking; computing centre infrastructure; management and monitoring; analysis facilities
Track 8 - Collaboration, Reinterpretation, Outreach and EducationCollaborative tools; reinterpretation tools; analysis preservation and reuse; data preservation for collaboration; outreach activities; open data for outreach; training initiatives; event displays; open science cloud initiatives.
Track 9 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningMachine learning algorithms; machine learning for online; machine learning for simulation and reconstruction; machine learning tools and techniques for analysis; machine learning for reinterpretation; massive scale machine learning; hyperparameter optimization.
Track 10 - Exascale ScienceAlgorithm scaling; exascale computing models; exabyte-scale datasets; exaflop computing power; generic algorithms; weak scaling.
Track 11 - Heterogeneous Computing and AcceleratorsCompute accelerators; concurrency in software frameworks; accelerator-as-a-service; FPGA programming;  software design and implementation for heterogeneous architectures; heterogeneous resource usage for online and offline.
Track 12 - Quantum ComputingQuantum computing for theory calculations; quantum computing for event generation, simulation and reconstruction; quantum computing for analysis; quantum computing applications.


Uploading materials

  • We will be using INDICO to run the meeting -- please make sure you have found your talk at: and that we have linked your correct (Jefferson Lab based) INDICO account to your presentation. This will allow you to upload your presentation materials (PDF or PPT) prior to the meeting. We will download the slides from there prior to your session and have them available on the presentation computer in the conference hall.
  • Please make your slides available on INDICO at least 48 hours before your talk. We will upload all materials to a room computer prior to the session. We plan to do this the evening prior to each session to avoid any INDICO or network outages that might slow down or completely stall the meeting.
  • There is a Speaker Ready Room near Registration that has computers and staff to support getting your talks uploaded from a USB stick if you have issues.
  • Please do not bring a memory stick to the presentation room just prior to your talk.

Oral presentations

  • All plenary session talks are typically 25 minutes + 5 minutes for questions. The Wednesday plenary schedule is an exception, with most talks at 20+5 minutes.  Chairs will keep time.
  • All parallel session talks are 12 minutes + 3 minutes for questions. Chairs will keep time.
  • Slides must be prepared for projection in 16:9 format (longer side along the horizontal direction).
  • Presentations will use the computers provided.
  • Speakers will be provided with a laser pointer/clicker, in addition to a keyboard + touchpad/mouse.
  • Expect to use a microphone as we are in a large hall and even the loudest speakers won't be heard at the back without one.
  • Audio is also enabled for presentations that need it.

Poster presentations

1. Poster Printing:

  • Poster printing is the presenters responsibility.
  • Poster size: A0 portrait format (841 mm W x 1189 mm H).
  • (optional) Include a small photo of the presenter on the poster to facilitate discussions outside of the designated poster sessions.
  • Local printing  see Poster Printing for details.
    • Contact them 7 days prior to the conference to ensure timely printing.

2. Poster Session Logistics:

  • We have two afternoon poster sessions, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday.
  • All students will present on Tuesday, see Student Competition below for details. 
  • Optionally sign up to indicate your preferred session by May 3rd:

3. Poster Session Logistics: 

  • Session location: Hampton Roads Ballroom (IV - VI)
  • Session 1: Tuesday 15:30 - 16:30
    • Assigned presenters should post their posters as early as Monday before the first plenary, but no later than the afternoon coffee break.
  • Session 2: Thursday 15:30 - 16:30
    • Assigned presenters should poster their posters as early as Tuesday evening, but no later than the Wednesday morning coffee break.
  • Please remove your poster at the end of your assigned poster session and take it with you.
  • Poster board locations will be numbered from 1 to 100.  The following google spreadsheet will be populated prior to the Sunday before the conference which maps a presenter to a poster board location:
  • Poster presenters will be provided with fasteners to attach their posters to the display boards.

4. Student Poster Competition:


There will be a student competition with voting via QR codes attached to the posters. We would like all students to present in the same session on Tuesday to facilitate voting with results presented on Thursday. 

  • Conference attendees will vote for as many posters as they like, but not more than once per poster.
  • Please scan your QR code once to verify that it takes you to the indico page for your conference contribution.

Questions regarding the Poster Sessions can be emailed to Taylor Childers:


If you have any other questions, or can't access the INDICO account we've associated with your talk, please contact