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May 8 – 12, 2023
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
US/Eastern timezone

Taming the Menagerie: Benefits of Microarchitecture levels in distributed clusters

Not scheduled
Hampton Roads Ballroom and Foyer Area (Norfolk Waterside Marriott)

Hampton Roads Ballroom and Foyer Area

Norfolk Waterside Marriott

235 East Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510
Poster Poster Poster Session


Sfiligoi, Igor


The x86_64 instruction set architecture, is not a single, consistent, compatible interface to execute computer programs. Since the initial release in 1999, every new generation has added new instructions, some of which were later removed. Most of these new instructions are intended to improve the performance of those programs which explicitly take advantage of them. However, running such a program on an older CPUs without appropriate support, results in Linux SIGILL exception signal, which is difficult for end users to diagnose. On the other hand, compiling scientific code for the least common denominator ISA can leave significant performance on the table. High Throughput systems, containing very large number of machines, cannot require a single CPU version across hundreds of thousands of machines operating in dozens of sites. The OSG Open Science pool alone consists of more than 20 different, subtly-incompatible X86_64 implementations.
In 2020, Intel, AMD and RedHat proposed new terminology and partitioned these dozens of microarchitectures into a strict hierarchy of four groups. The HTCondor Software Suite and the OSG now have first class support for these microarchitectures, this paper discusses the advantages for users and future work around microarchitecture support.

Consider for long presentation No

Primary author


Thain, Greg (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
