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May 8 – 12, 2023
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
US/Eastern timezone

Integration of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center for CMS computing: towards large scale production

May 11, 2023, 11:30 AM
Marriott Ballroom IV (Norfolk Waterside Marriott)

Marriott Ballroom IV

Norfolk Waterside Marriott

235 East Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510
Oral Track 7 - Facilities and Virtualization Track 7 - Facilities and Virtualization


Dr Josep, Flix (CIEMAT - PIC)


The CMS experiment is working to integrate an increasing number of High Performance Computing (HPC) resources into its distributed computing infrastructure. The case of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) is particularly challenging as severe network restrictions prevent the use of CMS standard computing solutions. The CIEMAT CMS group has performed significant work in order to overcome these constraints and make BSC resources available to CMS. The developments include adapting the workload management tools, replicating the CMS software repository to BSC storage, providing an alternative access to detector conditions data, and setting up a service to transfer produced output data to a nearby storage facility. In this work, we discuss the current status of this integration activity, and present recent developments, such as a front-end service to improve slot usage efficiency, and an enhanced transfer service that supports the staging of input data for workflows at BSC. Moreover, significant efforts have been devoted to improving the scalability of the deployed solution, automating its operation, and simplifying the matchmaking of CMS workflows that are suitable for execution at BSC.

Consider for long presentation No

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Peer reviewing
