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May 8 – 12, 2023
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
US/Eastern timezone

Multilanguage Frameworks

May 8, 2023, 11:45 AM
Chesapeake Meeting Room (Norfolk Waterside Marriott)

Chesapeake Meeting Room

Norfolk Waterside Marriott

235 East Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510
Oral Track 5 - Sustainable and Collaborative Software Engineering Track 5 - Sustainable and Collaborative Software Engineering


Hrivnac, Julius (IJCLab)


High Energy Physics software has been a victim of the necessity to choose one implementation language as no really usable multi-language environment existed. Even a co-existence of two languages in the same framework (typically C++ and Python) imposes a heavy burden on the system. The role of different languages was generally limited to well encapsulated domains (like Web applications, databases, graphics), with very limited connection to the central framework.

The new development in the domain of the compilers and run-time environments has enabled ways for creating really multilanguage frameworks, with seamless, user-friendly and high-performance inter-operation of many languages, which traditionally live in disconnected domains (like C-based languages vs JVM languages or Web languages).

Various possibilities and strategies for creation of the true multi-language frameworks will be discussed, emphasizing their advantages and possible road blocks.

A prototype of massively multilanguage application will be presented, using very wide spectrum of languages working together (C++, Python, JVM languages, JavaScript,...). Each language will be used in the domain where it offers a strong comparative advantage (speed, user-friendliness, availability of third-party libraries and tools, graphical and web capabilities).

The performance gain from the modern multi-language environments will be also demonstrated, as well as gains in the overall memory footprint.

Possibilities of converting existing HEP frameworks into multilanguage environments will be discussed in concrete examples and demonstrations.

A real life example of widely multilanguage environment will be demonstrated on the case of the multi-language access to the data storage of the LSST telescope Fink project.

Consider for long presentation No

Primary author

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
