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May 8 – 12, 2023
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
US/Eastern timezone

Calibration Data Flow and Performance at Belle II

May 8, 2023, 3:00 PM
Hampton Roads Ballroom VI (Norfolk Waterside Marriott)

Hampton Roads Ballroom VI

Norfolk Waterside Marriott

235 East Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510
Oral Track 3 - Offline Computing Track 3 - Offline Computing


Prim, Markus


The Belle II experiment has been accumulating data since 2019 at the SuperKEKB $e^+e^-$ accelerator in Tsukuba, Japan. The accelerator operates at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance and is an excellent laboratory for precision flavor measurements and dark sector searches. The accumulated data are promptly reconstructed and calibrated at a dedicated calibration center in an automated process based on a directed acyclic graph to resolve dependencies in the calibration using selected prescaled data skims. After calibration, the raw data are reconstructed on the GRID and provided in an analysis-oriented format (mDST) on the GRID for the collaboration.
In this talk we will present the calibration data flow from raw data to mDST production. We will discuss the physical principles behind the calibrations and how we tune the calibration data samples accordingly. We will show performance metrics which underpin the importance of the data calibration for our precision physics results.

Consider for long presentation No

Primary author

Presentation materials