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May 8 – 12, 2023
Norfolk Waterside Marriott
US/Eastern timezone

A vendor-unlocked ITS GPU reconstruction in ALICE

May 9, 2023, 2:45 PM
Marriott Ballroom V-VI (Norfolk Waterside Marriott)

Marriott Ballroom V-VI

Norfolk Waterside Marriott

235 East Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510
Oral Track 2 - Online Computing Track 2 - Online Computing


Concas, Matteo (CERN)


During the LHC Run 3, the significant upgrades on many detectors and a brand new reconstruction software allows the ALICE experiment to record Pb-Pb collisions at an interaction rate of 50 kHz in a trigger-less continuous readout mode.

The key to process the 1TB/s peak data rate in ALICE is the usage of GPUs. There are two main data processing phases: the synchronous phase, where the TPC reconstruction uses most computing resources, and the asynchronous one, where more GPU resources are available.

Other detectors are aiming at profiting from this computing potential to offload their reconstructions on graphics cards.

In this talk, we illustrate how we successfully ported on GPU both the primary vertex finding and the track reconstruction of the silicon tracker of ALICE, the Inner Tracking System.

We implemented, integrated, and natively supported the ITS code using automatic code generation on two different GPU brands with a single code base.

The implementation details, performance, and how this technique can be easily used in other applications will be discussed.

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Peer reviewing
