The PrimEx-eta experiment conducted in Hall D at Jefferson Lab, aims
to extract the radiative decay width of the η meson. This experiment serves
as a probe to test fundamental symmetries in low energy QCD by exploiting
the Primakoff effect, specifically by measuring the η meson photoproduction
cross section on a Helium-4 target. Additionally, it will provide valuable in-
put to determine the light quark mass ratio and the mixing angle between η
and η′ mesons. Furthermore, it will contribute by providing an additional data
point to complement previous results for the η radiative decay width obtained
through leptons colliders and a single Primakoff measurement which unfortu-
nately yielded a significantly lower value compared to the collider result. The
GlueX collaboration concluded taking data on 2022 using the GlueX detector.
Preliminary results will be presented for the charged decay channel for the 2022