Two key objectives of the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) are to explore the 3D structure of hadrons—via Transverse Momentum Dependent distributions (TMDs) and Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs)—and to understand gluon saturation at small-x, as described by the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) effective field theory. This talk focuses on observables that bridge these complementary goals of the EIC. Specifically, I will present a study of transverse energy-energy correlators in back-to-back electron-hadron production during electron-proton collisions in the small-x regime. I will demonstrate how polarization effects can be probed by connecting the quark Sivers function at small-x to the Odderon dipole amplitude within the CGC framework. This approach enables the computation of Sivers asymmetries and polarized transverse energy-energy correlators in collisions of unpolarized electrons with transversely polarized protons, providing novel insights into transverse dynamics, polarization effects, and gluon saturation phenomena.