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Feb 24 – 28, 2025
Miami, Florida International University, Modesto Maidique Campus
US/Eastern timezone

Impact of future measurements of dihadron production on the transversities and tensor charges of the nucleon

Feb 25, 2025, 6:00 PM
Ground floor (Stocker Astro Center)

Ground floor

Stocker Astro Center


yorgo sawaya (temple university)


We investigate the impact of future measurements at the electron-ion collider (EIC) and Jefferson Lab (JLab) on the nucleon's transversity distributions and tensor charges, focusing on dihadron production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering.
For this study, we use EIC pseudo-data for a proton target, as well as JLab (CLAS and SoLID) pseudo-data for proton, deuteron, and $^3$He targets.
We find that future EIC data can considerably constrain the nucleon transversities, especially at low $x$.
Future JLab data can lead to significant constraints in the large-$x$ region and provide new information on whether there is tension between the tensor charges extracted from experimental data and those obtained in lattice QCD.

Primary author

yorgo sawaya (temple university)


Alexei Prokudin (JLab) Andreas Metz (Physics Department, Temple University, Philadelphia) Anselm Vossen (Duke University/JLab) Christopher Cocuzza (Temple University) Daniel Pitonyak (Lebanon Valley College) Gregory Matousek (Duke University) Matthew McEneaney (Duke University) Nobuo Sato (Jefferson Lab)

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