Joint Helicity/Nuclear: Joint Helicity/Nuclear I
- Sebastian Kuhn (Old Dominion University)
Scattering reactions on the deuteron, being spin 1 and having tensor polarization modes, involve more independent structures than those on the nucleon. I discuss aspects of the tensor polarized asymmetry Azz in deep inelastic scattering on the deuteron. In light of the upcoming JLab measurements I focus on and discuss the contributions of leading and higher-twist contributions to the...
Several experiments are planned at Jefferson Lab and other facilities which will utilize a solid tensor polarized target. This new program will help clarify how the properties of the nucleus arise from the underlying partons, and provide novel information about gluon contributions, quark angular momentum, and the polarization of the quark sea that is not accessible in spin-1/2 targets. We will...
The exploration of medium modification of unpolarized structure functions in nuclei has been underway for several decades. The theoretical descriptions of this effect, known as the “EMC effect”, are numerous and there is currently no universal community consensus about its cause. In this talk I will discuss something new, the very first investigation into the modification of polarized...